  • Hari 56

    Bavaria to Berlin

    21 Oktober 2017, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    It was a day of travel today - 5.5 hours to Berlin. We were all packed up by 9.15am, only to discover that in checking the entire AirBnB for anything we left behind, we neglected to notice the car keys on the little nook we had been leaving them on in the hall. Closed the door locking the house keys in the house, only to find that starting the car was now a bit tricky.

    Sent emails and texts to the host, with no response, but luckily the cleaners arrived. Unfortunately, they were relying on our house keys being in the key safe. Oops! But luckily, they called the manager, he popped around with keys, and we were only an hour late leaving. Could have been worse I guess! In the meantime, we did have a great chat to one of the cleaning ladies whose ex-husband was English and she had lived just outside of London for 5 years, so she spoke excellent English.

    We stopped at our favourite wind turbine to take a picture - those things are dizzyingly big. Looking up at them make you feel motion sick! We passed one section of countryside where we ended up stopping for lunch that had over 50 wind turbines.

    Our drive was pleasant, except for the bits where the husband was driving at 175kph. That almost made me want to vomit from anxiety. I thought it would also be stressful driving into Berlin. It was simple (she says, not actually doing the driving). And then we got to the parking garage attached to our accommodation, which has one of those lifts that make you feel like your car is about to get squished on the ceiling.

    I was excited to see that our Berlin accommodation had only indulged in two of the three acts of bedroom heresy. If I had to name the top three things that have driven me insane in Europe, they would be the ridiculous European pillows with absolutely no stuffing in them whatsoever, the split mattress on the double/queen bed, and the two doonas situation. All three together are like the holy trinity of bedroom atrocities.

    My shoulder is steadily getting more painful each night I have to put up with the pillow situation, so the one thing I am looking forward to when I get home is sleeping with my four perfectly stuffed pillows again! Luckily our Berlin accommodation is only committing two of the three acts of bedroom heresy - the bed is not actually two separate mattresses. I think Europeans must all be exiting in a state of perpetual tiredness from fighting with their bedroom linen all night trying to get comfortable. Might even be a reason for re-running the Brexit referendum - they were all too tired to vote, or to vote with any sense due to ridiculous bedrooms?
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