
maj - juni 2016
Et 20-dags eventyr af Jason Læs mere
  • 21fodaftryk
  • 3Lande
  • 20dage
  • 103fotos
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  • 9,6kmiles
  • 8,7kmiles
  • Dag 10

    Machu Picchu Mountain hike

    31. maj 2016, Peru ⋅ 🌬 35 °C

    We had bought tickets to do a hike at Machu Picchu. Our start window was between 9am and 10am and we started around 9:15. The hike was essentially a 2000ft stair case. It was long and exhausting especially dealing with lower O2. The views were worth it in the end.Læs mere

  • Dag 11

    Ollantaytambo, Peru Part 2

    1. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    The previous night we stayed at Mama Simona. we stayed in bunk beds and the hostel had a nice garden area next to a creek. We explored different ruins in O today, the ruins of Pinkullyuna or the old Incan storehouses. There were a lot of stray dogs on the mountain side. Two stayed with us the entire way up, and were very friendly, probably looking for food. They became our honorary companions. At one point we were climbing near the top of the ruins when we saw a pack of stray dogs. They prob wanted food too, but when they started fighting amongst themselves we decided to leave. Today we also ended up for the first time riding in one if those rickshaw things.Læs mere

  • Dag 15

    Cusco, Peru

    5. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Cusco was the capital of the Incas and we stayed at the VIP house for two nights on Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday we explored the main square and the surrounding areas. There was a huge festival going on that day. It was the last day of corpus Christi and they had like a 3hr long procession, carrying various saints from one if the main cathedrals. There were also a ton of marching bands playing throughout the city and also a lot of fireworks. We didn't watch the whole thing, but we could hear it. In the afternoon our hostel offered a free 4 hr walking tour in which I didn't go on, do to stomach issues. The others went and liked it a lot.Læs mere

  • Dag 15

    Maras adventure

    5. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

    On Friday, we booked a tour with Maras adventure. We were going to go ziplining near the town if Maras and go to the ruins of Moray and go to the salt mine Salineras. There was a series of 4 ziplines and all of us including Michael liked it a lot. We all were able to ride like "Superman" and "Spiderman", meaning riding flat like you are flying, and riding upside down. The fourth line was 1.25 km long. We end up going very fast. Afterwards we went to Moray which is agricultural terraces used as a giant laboratory for growing crops in different microclimates. After that we went to the salt mines, which have been used for 1000s of years. Salty stream water are allowed to collect in pools and then driedLæs mere

  • Dag 15

    Arequipa, Peru part 1

    5. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    On Saturday we arrived in Arequipa after taking a night bus from Cusco. We all had reclining seats that went almost 180 degrees. They also provided food and movies. However, none of us slept that well, maybe because we were just not used to that type of travel. Arriving in Arequipa we booked the colca canyon tour for Sunday And Monday and then went to our hostel. We slept, and took it easy, especially since me and fahey had finally caught mikes cold. We explored some of the city as well. This is the first real city we've been to in peru and has a Spanish colonial feel to it. There are also a couple volcanoes that surround the city. We stayed at la posada de kuraka and it has a nice rooftop area that we can hang out inLæs mere

  • Dag 16

    Colca Canyon Tour First Day

    6. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    The standard colca canyon 2 day/1 night tour usually starts around 8-830am. However Sunday happened to be election day, and it was a big presidential election between PPK and Keiko. In Peru, it is mandatory to vote up until the age of 70, with heavy fines being the punishment for not voting. Therefore our tour did not start until 930, to give the guides a chance to vote. We journeyed by bus and first drove through an animal reserve with vicunas, which are the wild version of alpacas, since alpacas are domesticated animals. Afterwards we traveled to Patapampa Pass. This pass is at an elevation of 16,109 ft, which is higher than any point in the lower 48 states. We got to see volcanoes in the distance, including one that is smoking. Afterwards we descended to about 12,000 ft and stayed in Chivay. We went to some hot springs/pools and for dinner we were entertained by people playing folk instruments with folk dancers. It was very cold, the coldest place we've been and the hostel didn't have heat! Luckily the beds had four blankets to try and keep us warm.Læs mere

  • Dag 16

    Colca Canyon Tour Last Day

    6. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We awoke at 530am, ate a small free breakfast at the hostel and we're picked up at 630. We first stopped in the small town of Yanque. There were dancers in the main square, I guess ready for the influx of tour groups. We were able to walk around and see the church. We then travelled further into the Colca valley and went to the town of Lari. We again went to the church there. Afterwards we headed to the deep part of the Colca Canyon and to see the condors. We went on a very good day. We saw about 20 condors flying around and they were flying very close to us. After spending an hour and a half with the condors we started our journey back. We did stop in another small town, Maca, and had lunch in Chivay. We then returned back to Arequipa and stayed in our old hostel, La posada de kurakaLæs mere

  • Dag 19

    Arequipa, Peru Part 2

    9. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    We ended up exploring parts of the city we never visited before. We went to the museo sanctuario andinos to see the ice maiden Juanita. We were not allowed to take pictures inside the museum, but it was an Incan museum with the feature being a frozen Incan girl that was found at the top of a 20000ft volcano. She was used as a sacrifice for the Incan people. After the museum we also went to the Santa Catalina monastery. This place was huge, with whole streets located inside. In a separate area nuns still are active in the monastery. At night we then took another night bus to IcaLæs mere

  • Dag 20

    Huacachina, Peru

    10. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    After another not that great sleep on the night bus. We arrived at the Diamond Monkey Lodge hostel in Ica. The host was amazing and booked both our sand buggy and Ballasts Islands tours. We then walked around the city a bit. There was so much honking in the city. The main event started when we were picked up at our hostel at 330 for the 10 min drive to Huacachina. It's an oasis with towering sand dunes that surround it. These dunes are hundreds of feet high. The dune buggies sat around 13-15 people. It was a huge thrill, at some points it was like being on a rollercoaster. Afterwards we were able to try sand boarding, or more like sand sledding. We played on our stomachs going face first, and slid down the dunes. My first time I lost my cap and my camera on the way down. It's tough work trying to climb the steep dune to retrieve them. I only slid down two dunes, while both Mikes did a couple more. At the end of it there was a nice sunset over the top of the dunes. Afterwards, for dinner we went to a mall that looked like it could have been in the United statesLæs mere

  • Dag 20

    Ballestas Islands

    10. juni 2016, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Our final day started with us being picked up at our hostel in Ica for the Ballista's Islands your in Paracas. The ride was 50 mins away and we brought all of our stuff since we were not coming back. It was a 2 hr boat tour. A few mins out of dock we ran into a pack of dolphins. We stayed there for a few mins and then traveled farther out of port. Eventually we reached the end of a peninsula, where there is a giant image drawn in the rock/sand face. It's still there due to the lack of rainfall and lack of wind on that particular face. Nobody knows when it was out there or by who, but it's been there since at least 1860, and it might be a lot older. When we reached the islands you could see thousands of sea birds. It was fun looking at all the birds, and we got to see wild penguins! They live so far away from Antarctica. There were also quite a few sea lions that called the islands home. After the boat tour, they had some sort of boardwalk in which we found lunch and waited for the bus. Finding the bus stop was an interesting task. There were no signs and people were giving us vague directions in Spanish. We finally went to this construction site that was closed off and near where we thought it was. It turned out that, that was the place we wanted in the end.Læs mere