  • Gün 8

    Day 7 Crossing the Circle

    6 Mart 2018, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    At 2am this morning with great excitement it was announced over the ships PA that we were about to cross the Antarctic Circle. We hauled ourselves out of bed, putting many layer of clothing over our PJs and when outside to celebrate with champagne. When dawn broke we were steaming past Adelaide Island. The landscape and environs far exceeds our expectations- you have to come and experience it to believe the wonders of the Antarctica. At noon we anchored at Marguerite Bay, we hopped onto a zodiac and motored to explore the ice burgs and wildlife. Our zodiac circled Neney Island and then we landed on Stonington Island, an ex British and American Station. We were ever so fortunate in that a British Conservation Team were on the Island and gave us talks about the British Station and one of our Expedition Team talked about the American Station. The Brits also had a post office - I am sure as a means to make money for the conservation of the buildings. Although I am not sure how much they would have made as only six cruise ship made it that far south this season. The majority of our expedition team have never been this far south even though they have worked for Quark for five + years.
    We also managed to fit in a talk on whales and a 1930’s movie on an expedition to Marguerite Bay.

    Wildlife seen: penguins- Adelie, seals - fur, crabeaters, lion, birds - Albatross, shua, Wilson...
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