  • Giorno 5

    Durian and La-la

    16 ottobre 2019, Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Many years ago, Bill (Bun’s dad) described durian as the tastiest custard you’ll ever eat but smells like the worst ever public toilets. That was actually quite accurate. Having travelled in India it out-competes some pretty rank toilets.

    It’s related to cacao but went on to develop a sulphurous odour to (apparently) attract orangutans and other primates.

    “Durian fruit is generally slightly oval, about a foot wide and covered in formidable looking spikes. The fruit can weigh between two to seven pounds, and this is heavy enough that in holding it in your hands by the body of the fruit, instead of the stem, it could potentially pierce the skin. However, its otherworldly appearance is dwarfed by another one of its attributes – the smell. Durians have a strong, rank smell that permeates the outer shell and lingers long after the fruit has been removed. Due to its overpowering smell, durian has been banned on many types of public transport across Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong. In Singapore, the fruit is banned across all types of public transportation and even taxis have signs to let you know they refuse to carry passengers transporting the smelly fruit.”

    Anyhow, Jan has kept us some as the season has just finished ... beautiful, but still very smelly. What on earth tempted someone to fight through the smell to taste it? Maybe they had a cold at the time?

    La-la is the Malays for clams ... another of Bun’ favourites. Jan’s task this evening was to find Bun some la-la which she did very well. I hope that you are paying attention to all of these meals because there will be a test later. The highlight for me was another fresh coconut. They are full of juice and tender white flesh, the only drink I can find that hasn’t been adulterated with added sugar or sweetener.
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