  • Día 74

    Kindest Island, Long Island

    30 de mayo de 2022, Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 82 °F

    Arrived here a couple days ago. Dove in right away to find 30 beautiful sand dollars underneath the boat. They were dead so we were able to scoop them up and maybe do something cool with them one day. 😊

    Next morning we woke up to a nice calm anchorage. Only three sailboats surrounding us. We decided to hit the spearfishing spots our friend Steph gave us. Within an hour I got 2 hogfish and Carson got a nice tiger grouper! The ledges and ocean bottom floor here are incredible. We were within a 5 minute dinghy ride to the boat, the diving was in our backyard!

    Went into Clarence town that evening to walk around only to find the guy that we met a few weeks back that works on a sports fishing boat at Flying Fish Marina. He invited us to have some Kalik's. We got to meet the other fisherman on the dock that we’re around our age and hear what their stories were. These guys bosses pay them a nice income, benefits, food/drinks, stay, etc to stay on their boats while they are away and then when they come around they take them fishing for big game fish like blue/white marlin, yellowfin tuna, etc. They were telling us that catching a blue marlin the way we did the other day is unheard of. One guy gave us a couple lures to test out during our travels because they said what we were using is ok but not great. Obviously it’s been working for us though! Such generous guys!

    Baxter, the guy we met last time, let us use his mini van the next day to visit the Shrimp Hole, Max's conch bar and the grocery/liquor stores. The shrimp hole was breathtaking. Super pink/reddish shrimp everywhere, blind cave fish swimming around, bats flying across the caves roof and not a soul in sight but us. We had the whole place to ourselves. The cool part is to get to the cave you had to park in front of this old abandoned church. The walls on this place had to be over 2 ft wide. Max's Conch Bar did not disappoint either. Met some locals that insisted on buying us a round of shots and drinks. They were called the Rowdy crew and things did get Rowdy! Everyone on the island is SO excited about the sailing regatta happening this weekend. It'll be the 53rd regatta they have had on the island but the past few years they cancelled it due to Covid so they are thrilled for it to be back. Heck, their already starting the party! They said vendors and DJ's are coming in from Nassua to help throw on the party. Yes, we will be staying for this fun-ness and we cannot wait!

    Time to learn how to party like a Bahamian!
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