The West Highland Way Read more
  • 11footprints
  • 1countries
  • 11days
  • 152photos
  • 1videos
  • 115kilometers
  • Day 1

    First Day Arrival

    May 13 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Great drive to Luton airport with Gwynn. Easy flight to Glasgow and picked up by Craig from AMS travel. They will be moving our bags from hotel to hotel. Craig was really interesting. An ex policeman from Glasgow who’s seen a few things in his time! Took us on a short tour, showed us the start of the WHW and gave us some history. We must read up on the Jacobean rebellion!
    Out this evening for a meal in the local pub recommended by Craig and start
    tomorrow morning.
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  • Day 2–4

    Day 2 Milngavie to Drymen 12 miles

    May 14 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Left the Premier Inn at 8.00 am after a pretty indifferent breakfast served by unhappy staff at the Premier Inn.
    Wonderful walk today through valleys and hills with ancient volcanoes framing our walk.
    Stopped to have a look at Glengoyne Distillery! Way out of iour price bracket even if we did drink whiskey! Lovely loos though.
    Stopped at The Beech Tree Inn for coffee. Lovely little place with lots of birds in aviaries and small animals- goats, rabbits , ducks.

    Walked on through the valley then began the climb to Drymen. First sight of Loch Lomond from the top of the hilll.
    Got to our Hotel - The Buchanan Arms at about 2.30. Very tired Best Western. Gloomy room in dire need of upgrading but all was saved by the spa where we had a sauna and jacuzzi! That made everything better followed by a really exceptional meal at the Clachan Inn - the oldest licensed pub in Scotland- Lots of whisky to sample.

    Back to the hotel to recoup and start again tomorrow.
    Fantastic day ! It was missling most of the day but that was fine for walking!
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  • Day 3–6

    Day 3 Dryman to Balmaha

    May 15 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Very different day today! Got away from the worst hotel ever- more stories to tell about that place - had a wonderful breakfast in a local cafe and set off for Conic Hill and Loch Lomond. Steady climb up through beautiful pine forests with views of the Loch to our left and mountains on our right. Climbed up Conic Hill with magnificent views across to the Loch! We were blessed with the most beautiful weather so the views were as clear as could be. Literally slithered down the top of the hill and climbed on down into Balmaha and straight into the lovely, welcoming Oak Tree Inn. It was like being in an alpine village. A cold beer and then we wandered the shore of the Loch hoping to find a boat that would take us for a trip. Got chatting to a lovely girl who ran trips across to a small unspoilt island covered in ancient forest and bluebells! Off we went and it was stunning! As we sat quietly on the beach a guy , also on the beach, suddenly donned a white coat and ran to the Jetty to meet a boat! 3 men and a woman got off. They came onto the beach and were dressed in black tee shirts and bow ties! As we started to leave they asked us if they could tie us up and kidnap us! I said I would love that but we had to get our boat back! Turned out they were doing a James Bond Challenge- golden gun and everything! Sadly we had to leave them and got the boat back! Checked into our lovely Inn. Our room is in a cottage on the edge of the Loch with. views to the mountains!
    Amazing I’d slightly surreal day!
    10 miles today.
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  • Day 4

    Day Four Balmaha to Rowardennan

    May 16 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Gentler day today climbing up and down along the edge of Loch Lomond. Dropping down into small beaches and then climbing up ( some steep) into the forests of Scots Pine. Only 7 miles today but tomorrow gets really serious. 14 miles of very up and down along the banks of the Loch! Send energy please! Rowardennan Hotel is beautiful. Nestling quietly in a bay on the loch with beautiful views and tranquil waters. Great weather again. Cool while we were walking and then the sun came out this afternoon!Read more

  • Day 5

    Day 5 Rowardennan to Inverannan

    May 17 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Today has been an incredible day! Great breakfast at Rowardennan Hotel and an early start for one of the most challenging days on the walk. We walked along the Loch side for most of the day. The start was a gentle climb up through pine forests carpeted with bluebells and wild garlic. We arrived at Inversnaid hotel. A lovely place by a huge waterfall on the banks of the Loch. Had a great coffee and ate our lunch. Carried on alongside the loch clambering over rocks and boulders and wading through mountain streams. Took time out to paddle in the loch and cool off! Eventually we emerged into a beautiful field surrounded by mountains and carried on for a few more miles to The Drovers Inn where we were spending the night.
    Amazing old place supposedly haunted! We are staying in one of the lodges as the inn is very old and used just for the bar and restaurant.
    Had a great dinner and early to bed as another epic day tomorrow!
    Amazingly good news. Our formal complaint to The Buchannan Arms , the worst hotel ever, resulted in a full refund! Party on !!!!
    14 miles today. Tomorrow we make the halfway mark!
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  • Day 6

    Day 6 Inverannan to Tyndrum

    May 18 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    12 miles today! Very hot as we walked through an exposed valley following the River Fillan. Wonderful waterfalls along the way surrounded by pine forests and mountains! Steady climbs up and down for most of the day. Visited St Fillan’s ruined abbey! He is the patron saint of the mentally ill so I said a prayer for all of us !
    Carried on and had a wonderful tea at an Artisans cafe in an old chapel. 2 Aston Martins parked outside owned by a Swiss family on a road trip. They thought nothing of buying a tartan rug for £100.00
    Walked on into Tyndrum . Staying at Tyndrum Inn . It’s ok!
    Realised I had tapped private text by mistake which maybe why you haven’t been able to see it for the last couple of days.
    Yesterday was an amazing 14 miles along the side of the loch- clambering over boulders and rocks. Incredible scenery and a wonderful day!
    By the way we reached the half way mark today!
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  • Day 7

    Day 7 Tyndrum to The Bridge of Orchy

    May 19 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Up in the highlands now and into Argyll! A relatively gentle 5.5 mile walk to the beautiful Bridge of Orchy walking along an army track surrounded by mountains.
    A stunning walk in beautiful sunshine. Arrived at the Hotel at 12.30 so had lunch and spent a really lazy afternoon by the river. Crystal clear water running over rocks.
    Luxurious bath- the hotel is well stocked with The White Company bath products- and then a drink followed by dinner. It is one of the more expensive Hotels on our trip but worth every penny.
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  • Day 8

    Day 8 Bridge of Orchy to Kingshouse Glen

    May 20 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    We had the best time at The Bridge of Orchy hotel. Made so welcome, a beautiful room , lovely dinner and fantastic breakfast. It was pricey but we did not begrudge a penny.
    Left at 8.00 am and walked onto Rannoch moor, bleak, wild and atmospheric. Reminded me of Bodmin moor but with mountains.
    We walked along a man made track winding steadily up until we reached Glencoe and the Glencoe ski resort. Had a coffee and then went up in the ski lift to the top of the mountain! It was really cold up there with snow still lying in the rock crevices.

    Carried on walking to Kingshouse hotel- our most expensive hotel on the trip but the only choice. (£245.00 per night) So far not at all impressed! We’re compiling our complaint but I hold out no hope of any compensation this time! If you can be bothered to read the reviews on Trip Advisor the management reviews to complaints border on abusive! Trapped audience. Nowhere else to stay!
    Anyway fantastic location and looking forward to tomorrow’
    10 miles today .
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  • Day 9

    Day 9 Kingshouse to Kinlochleven

    May 21 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Another wonderful day! We left Kingshouse early after a great breakfast and began walking through Starfall landscape! The sky was a crystal clear blue and the mountains looked stunning!
    We climbed up the Devils Staircase to the highest point on the WHW. It was wonderful and not too bad a climb at all. Mountain streams and views that were beyond words! Carried on across the mountains and then a steady climb down into Kinlochleven. Stunning views of the loch and later of the aluminium works and water pipe system that fed the works now closed down.
    Found our Hotet and were pleasantly surprised to see that we had separate rooms this time! Checked in but then found that one of the twin beds in my room hadn’t had the sheets changed!! Same in Gwyne’s! Head housekeeper was extremely apologetic! What goes on!!!
    Hotels is actually very nice. Small and old but ok.
    Walked from the hotel to an incredible waterfall.
    Oh yes! The gnomes! Lots in the gardens here apparently to deter the deer ! Probably not worth planting flowers etc as they would eat them!
    Dinner this evening and then off early for our last walk’! 😢😢About 9 miles today including the waterfall. 15 miles tomorrow to Fort William!
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  • Day 10

    Day 10 Kinlochleven to Fort William

    May 22 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Our last walking day with 14 miles to go to get to the end of the WHW at Fort William.
    We got away at 8.00 am and started climbing up out of Kinlochleven. It was a beautiful, clear morning with a cool May sunshine.
    The climb was steep but took us up through rhododendrons and birch trees. Very beautiful. We finally got to the top and did 2-3 miles along a winding path between the mountains. Lots of climbs up and down. Then into pine forests with the awesome Ben Nevis getting closer and closer.

    Coffee- Eat- Climb - Repeat has been our mantra on this trail and never more than today as we covered the last 14 miles and climbed down into Fort William having had an ice cream stop at the Ben Nevis Visitor Centre.
    An amazing day and a wonderful achievement! The rain held off until we approached Fort Willian but we didn’t mind!
    Photos in Gordon Square the official end of the West Highland Way and checked into The Garrison Hotel. This used to be the police station and cells and has been beautifully converted into a lovely Hotel a bit like the Mal Maison in Oxford.
    We will be celebrating with a glass of Prosecco very soon!
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