  • Dia 14

    Luxor - Cairo

    18 de março de 2020, Egito ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We had intended to stay in Luxor for 2 nights and then flying out of Cairo on the morning of 19th. In the middle of that night, we found out that the connecting leg of Cairo to Abu Dhabi was cancelled. That means the rest of the trip is not useable. We had to go to Cairo ASAP to have any chance to get out. Catherine managed to get us 3 tickets for Nile Airway from Luxor that morning. Total panic. Trying desperately to get back to TAD for those cancelled tickets. After hours of frantic phone message between Catherine and Silvana. I was told that we managed to secure TAD for the outgoing tickets. They also had moved the leaving time from 12.30pm to 11.45 am. What a miracle and a big relieve that was. Now all we have to do is to cancel the other air tickets because we had 2 lots of tickets home. Went to breakfast this morning at the hotel thinking we were all safe, we were called to the reception that we had an oversea phone call. It was Catherine from Brisbane.
    In totally confusion, Roland hasn't pay for his return ticket home $1900.00 and I had only a few minutes to pay on line or I would have lost the ticket home. Holy shit! Total panic again. The brain was not working and the fingers were not co-operating trying to get payment through the internet. In my state of confusion that morning, I didn’t understand I had to do internet banking for my ticket. Sil and Jan had already paid. Went back to room, quickly packed up and cancelled the second days accommodation.

    Left the hotel to airport early morning, flew Nile Airway from Luxor to Cairo. The girls walked all along the whole Cairo airport but failed to cancel the other air ticket. Stayed at Le Passage hotel at the airport.
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