Homebase Jena

juli 2016
Et kort men fint eventyr av Kellerpils on tour Les mer
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  • Dag 1


    3. juli 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today I was out for a late evening/sunset walk. After a rainy afternoon the sun came out promising a very nice view from our backyard "mountain"- the Jenzig. Especially with the rain cleaned air. The Jenzig is basically a big chunk of limestone with an height of 385.3 m. It is kind of a legend in Jena because it was used by generations of students to celebrate their Bergfest. Directly translated Bergfest means mountain celebration and it describes the point in time where half of the studies are over. I took my camera with me to try some new things. Alongside the trail I saw a bunch of very nice flowers. They were appreciated by an older couple aiming for the peak as well. They asked me if I knew what kind of flowers they were and I had to admit that I had no idea. We walked together for a while. They had been on a visit at relatives in Hesse and were on their way back to Berlin. They always stop somewhere else on the route and explore the countryside. I really like this kind of mindset. I was a faster so we waved goodbye and I took the steep trails to get acces to tree-free mountainside. In the meantime it was about 8.30 pm and the light had changed to a golden color. Perfect light for taking fotos. I played around with the aperture, the iso values and white balance. Then I sat down to enjoy the view and think about the events of the last days.

    My dear friend Anna had moved from Jena to Leipzig. We spent almost all Saturday and Sunday morning to fill boxes with her belongings and removing furniture. In the evening we were rewarded with the victory of the German soccer team over Italy in the Europian championship quarter final. I am very happy for Anna that she found a perfect flat in Leipzig and that she can start over. As always if there is an happy eye there is also a sad one. I will miss her very much here in Jena. Again one of my good friends left the city of our common studies to experience new places leaving a gap behind. The good thing is I am 100% sure that we will stay connected and extend our friendship with the new challenges, joys and adventures a long-distance friendship will bring. I am excited to see the growth in our personalities.

    I was startled from my thoughts by a very strong and cold upcoming wind. I smiled a last time towards the Jentower, our city´s landmark, and decided it was time to go home....
    Les mer