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  • Day 7

    Tours, timings and movie night

    July 22, 2023, North Sea ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    We all mustered at 11:50pm norwegian time. But Blue watch didn't finish until 00:20. But the watches each shifted back 20 minutes to align with British summer time. So it was a very complicated night.
    I was on lookout watch with herman from Southern Norway. He told me the best way to cook lobster.

    Tonight we had been promised a tour of the ship's crew quarters. It's surprising how peerie the cabins are. We started by going aft along the crew corridor to the Captain's stateroom, followed by the crew mess. It was really nice and cosy. We also went to the foremast accommodation underneath the fo'c'sle.

    After our tour, our watch leader's assistant set up a projector to watch a Cape horn sailing film. It focused on an American sailor filming on board the peking square rigger from Europe to Chile, Via Cape Horn. The film Highlights just how people coped in an age before health and safety and modern technology.
    Kristian continued by recounting Statsraad's 2 journeys round the cape. The first time there was no wind and then the second rounding had a very strong headwind, enough to slam ship if off course.

    There was no second watch at 12pm as we arrived Aberdeen this morning.
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