  • Hari 22

    Crystal and Vikings

    25 September 2018, Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    I hadn’t realised before I got here that Waterford was founded by Vikings and that Waterford was once the third largest port in Europe.

    I started the day at the virtual reality experience “King of the Vikings”. Unfortunately they had miscalculated the numbers and had one too many so as the single person I was asked to leave. I was quite happy to as it ran every half an hour. For being willing to give up my spot I was given complimentary passes to the two museums in Waterford.

    I rebooked and then went to the House of Waterford - where Waterford Crystal is made. That tour was fascinating. Most of the crystal pieces are made by hand, a small amount of cutting is automated otherwise it’s all hand done. It’s an interesting process from the moulds that are carved from wood to the blowing of the crystal to the cutting, engraving and etching of the crystal. To become a master craftsman it takes a five year apprenticeship followed by another three years of training. Apparently a lot of the workforce has been there decades but they are gradually taking on apprentices to ensure a continuation of craftsmen.

    I then went to the Bishop’s Palace which is a museum of all things Georgian in Waterford and to be honest not all that interesting. The collection is quite small.
    The medieval museum was much more interesting. They’ve unearthed a choristers’ hall tha is underground and the museum follows Waterford from the oustingof the Vikings to the Georgian times. The people of Waterford were very determined to keep their protected port status, especially from nearby New Ross. I could have spent longer there but it was time to head back to the “King of the Vikings”. It was a virtual reality experience that covered the time of the Vikings in Waterford. It was my first taste of virtual reality and I enjoyed it. A bit like seeing a 3D movie but more as it surrounded you.

    The last thing on the list was washing. According to google there was a laundromat not far from the hotel. Only when I got there it was an industrial park. So I tried the next colsest. This one was in an institute of technology campus and I couldn’t find the actual laundromat. Third try brought me over to the edge of Tranmore and here at a service station I found 2 washing machines and a dryer. I’m just waiting for my clothes to finish in the dryer now.
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