  • Hari 7

    Sunshine Coast Hinterland

    8 September 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We started at the Glasshouse Mountains look out. I was most disappointing to find out the Captain Cook named the mountains after the glass furnaces in Yorkshire of which they reminded him. I was expecting something a bit more romantic like they look like glass when the dawn light reflects off them or something like that.

    We made our way to Maleny, went to Mary Cairncross park and did a rainforest walk. My favourite tree was the strangler fig. The seed germinates in the canopy, sends down roots that eventually strangle and kill the host tree.

    From there we went to have lunch with my uncle and aunt. They’ve a wonderful spot in Maleny and we had a very enjoyable afternoon.
    We took a while to decide on a route home but followed the Blackall Range Scenic drive to Nambour and then multiple roads to get back to Beerwah while avoiding motorways (because they are boring). The secenic drive was very scenic. We climbed quite high and had a good view of the coast and ocean.

    Yesterday we bought salad to have with our meals last night and tonight. I cooked the meat on the barbecue that is here and it’s a quick and simple meal. Much easier than going out. Unfortunately the mini fridge we have in our room must have the temperature set too low and the salad froze. So we had a pork steak, a bit of last night’s leftover chicken and some cheese for tea. If we get hungry a bit later on we can always have some muesli.
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