  • Dag 25

    Off to the beach in El Salvador!

    27 januari 2017, El salvador ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Up early for breakfast in a cute cafe.

    Then its a 6 hour van journey to the beach!

    On the way we stop at a shopping mall! I am in heaven - an El Salvadoran mall! The group vote was to wait to have lunch an hour and a half away rather than at the mall which meant lunch at 4pm! I hate this group.

    Mad - there was a KFC there which had my name on it! We therefore had only 20 minutes which meant speed walking to check out the mall and get soaks band aids and stock up on food from the supermarket as the hotel is 7km from town and may be overpriced like the Guatemalan jungle resort.
    Went at it like a maniac but KFC had to be dropped - devastated but I got everything else.

    Arrive at the hotel which is shacks near the beach with two hut restaurants and a bar overlooking a gorgeous beach. Have a quick dip in the pool then have my avocado and tomato roll then straight into a hammock with an ocean view with two margaritas as its happy hour! Bliss!

    Meanwhile the rest of the tour group has yet to order their lunch.

    This time I was given an even bigger knife to cut my tomato and as I walked past our tour group they wanted to know if I traveled with this knife! I looked a real sight!

    So rest of the day spent in the hammock and had dinner laying on a beach chair listening to the ocean.

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