  • Tag 13

    Chasing the lights from Tromso

    29. Januar 2020 in Norwegen ⋅ ☁️ -8 °C

    So tour company running this lights chase was 15 minutes late. Then the seatbelt on one seat wasn't working. Driver tour guide everyone tried to get it working.

    Driver was grumpy.

    Then alot of phone calls and we were told the managers were trying to sort it out.
    Then driver says we will swap buses into a big tour bus.

    This is when I think no way.
    First its completely different driving a large tour bus to a mini van in icy and windy conditions.
    Is the driver skilled in this?
    We have already hit a reindeer and seen an over turned bus.

    Then we are travelling 2 plus hours but a large bus will take longer.

    Next if the weather changes the large bus won't be able to go to the alternate sites.

    Then we hear the managers nixed the large bus thank god for safety reasons.

    Next more stuffing around and they start talking about taxis. WTF!!!!!

    Thankfully our tour guide gave up her spot.
    So not impressed with this company - they obviously don't check the seatbelts.

    We finally set off and the van is shit - its too small for people wearing lots of gear and the back row which I am in is very uncomfortable.

    The lights guide is very upbeat and does a good job with the commentary.

    So did we see the lights?