  • Dag 74

    Kampot Pepper Fields

    18. april 2018, Kambodsja ⋅ 🌫 3 °C

    About thirty kilometres southeast of the city are the pepper fields. It’s arid country, rocky, kind of hilly but still quite scenic if you like that sort of thing. You turn off the highway onto a gravel road thats really only wide enough for one vehicle, and a bunch of motorbikes. There’s lots of little farms, and little farmhouses, Cambodian style... cows, ducks, skinny chickens, water buffalo, and kids everywhere.
    We think its the last day of the Khmer New Year, so people are all about playing pool, yes pool, water fights, which we partook in, and generally enjoying the last day of the holiday. A great place to take a girl on a date.
    And then we got to the pepper farm. The guide is enthusiastic and new, so not a wealth of information, but the tour was good, short and interesting.
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