  • Dag 11


    28. marts 2014, Ungarn ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    Again, it was an overnight train, but I didn't take a sleeper this time. Nonetheless, it was quite comfortable sleeping on the seat, as the train steadily emptied out as the night went on. I stepped out of the station into the middle of some sort of political rally--the hotel I stayed at is in the tallest building directly across the street shown in this photo.

    My first port of call was the little downtown square where I picked up the Hop On Hop Off bus pass I'd ordered online when planning the trip--some workmen were repairing the clock in the square. I actually just stayed on the bus, noting places I would want to go back to on my own later. The terminus for the tour was right by a Turkish restaurant--Hungary was once part of the Ottoman Empire--so I had lunch out on the terrace among the businessmen who were sharing hookahs provided by the cafe.
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