  • Tag 14

    Tosantos, Burgos Castille y Leon

    21. Mai 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Met up with Linda from Montreal when Neii and I checked into a parochial albergue in Tosantos. I had met her earlier on the Way. She told me I really missed out on the famous Granon hospitality by checking into the weirdly situated municipal albergue. Sounded like a unique experience. Poor Neii—the blind leading the blind to the albergue off the beaten track.
    But as always it probably turned out for the best, as Neii slept from 8 pm until 7am the next day...he needed some rest in a quiet place.

    This parochial is very spartan: vinyl mats on the floor for bedding, no hot water or heat, a bland meal with not a trace of protein, but a nice yard with grass which we stayed in for several hours waiting for a late dinner because the rooms were cold. Temps in the morning are 35F/2C to give you an idea.
    About the Spanish food: the most curious thing is that the homemade food here is never salted, so pilgrims, losing salt all day through hard walking, find themselves passing one precious salt cellar from hand to hand at the table, as we all are craving and trying to replace salt in our systems.