  • Dag 90

    Wyndcliff, Wye Valley

    22 januari 2021, Wales ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Clear blue sky, low white sun
    Long ash tree shadows
    Translucent Green moss
    Robin visits, eyes me, departs
    Pre-spring bird song
    Feels like spring
    Budding cuckoo pint (that called to me from the Wheel that morning), by great beeches skirted with bright shining moss
    Two women think I'm sick when I kneel to photograph the cuckoo pint
    Walk off the path through wild yew tree woods
    Find wild boar droppings and tracks
    Walk through the iron age enclosure
    More evidence of boar
    Beautiful sunlight on electric green moss and beech trees
    Sit for lunch on favourite limestone rock
    A Buzzard floats majestically over the tree, speckled wings sunlit, looks down at me, then sails on calling out across the Wye river's rising tide
    Do my nature rituals with eyes open and breathing deeply through nose
    Photograph blue-green moss on rotting tree stump
    Large family of long-tailed blue tits pass over through the branches high above
    Head on through woods around enclosure
    Photograph yellow fungi on fallen tree
    Walk around and down towards the old Roman harbour
    See a mother roe deer and her smaller young
    Staff still and they run up towards me, stop to eye me, then sound spooks mother and they trot off
    I walk back through the woods along the deer trods
    I come across the mother roe deer and young again, and they run up and away into the woods
    I walk down to the banks of the Wye, which is swollen with heavy rains and tree trunks and plant material float down
    Walked back up along the deer trods
    Sky grows dark with rain clouds, giving the woods an onimous, mysterious character
    The path up is blocked by fallen trees
    I say to a man walking towards me on the path that 'the weather's coming in'
    It starts to rain, growing very heavy
    I enjoy the contrast of weathers since the sunny morning
    I leave my found hazel walking stick resting in a tree by the path
    It rains heavily as I travel back home over the Severn bridge
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