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    • Tag 11

      Cardiff Castle

      9. Oktober in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The main castle was also built around the 11th century and had various additions made to it across the centuries. In the mid 18th century it came into the hands of the Bute family and they invested substantial money to renovate, modernise and turn it into a Georgian mansion. The rooms that you were able to view were a feast for the eyes. The older gentleman who was manning the castle entrance seemed dubious about my ability to cope with stairs and on the way out made me go down the entrance stairs rather than the more twisted exit stairs. Maybe he was being kind or maybe he didn’t want the paperwork involved with a pregnant woman going splat on his stairs 😂

      The battlement walls were about 2m thick and had a walkway through them, like a tunnel I guess. During World War 2 The Marquess of Bute allowed the towns people to use these tunnels for air raid shelters and the benches and beds are still there. Then I walked back along the top of the walls, enjoying the view.

      I grabbed a delicious toasted ciabatta from the market and then spent a couple hours exploring the shops around Cardiff. They have quite a few lovely arcades with interesting boutique shops. I even came across a second hand book shop that had Rupert, Bobbsey twins, Billy Bunter annuals that I would have loved to buy up on!

      I was told by two people as I was shopping that I was having a boy. An older gentlemen in a wheelchair yelled across the street “you’re having a boy!” I didn’t catch the rest of it but that was amusing. Then a homeless lady on the street asked how far along I was and also told me I was having a boy! Then a lady in a souvenir shop was chatting about how many kids we had and where were they. She informed me that my mum must love me a lot to look after our kids while we’re away! Thanks Mum and Dad 😘

      I spent half hour or so resting my feet in a park before meeting Eli after work. We had dinner in a Welsh pub enjoying traditional Welsh fair - rarebit on toast, cockle popcorn, lamb cawl, welsh cakes and bara brith! It was all quite yummy and we rolled out back to the hotel.

    • Tag 3

      Trains and bakeoffs and spiders, oh my!

      20. Oktober in Wales ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing in.

      On yesterday’s blog, one Pául Simpsôn commented, “I imagine it will all be […] plain sailing from here on in”. Perhaps he jinxed us. Perhaps he knew already what we faced, since the blog was posted one day late, and was attempting sarcasm.

      Who knows?

      Whatever the case may be, let’s begin at the beginning. Le sacre de Napoleon! (Little joke that my sisters will get. And maybe French people).

      But no. Today, we awoke to the bopping tunes of Dann who was ukelele playing to Dex, a fun song that was like “everything everything will be alright” and it was very reassuring, despite it ultimately being incorrect. Andrea and I got out of bread to enjoy some toast for breakfast, I of course drowned mine in Marmite, because when in Rome, and sent a picture to my friend group, because I live to annoy. I was then promptly informed that words could not describe how disgusting it was that I was eating Marmite.

      That was probably my fault.

      But during this breakfast we also listened to the 1000 fart song. I questioned every choice I had ever made that lead me to that minute in time. Ultimately, I blame Andrea.

      We then had little time before we had to hop in the car and take Dexie to Drama, which was promptly done, not without some sightseeing, of a suspension bridge and a flooding river.

      But alas! Problem number one. We had forgotten Dex’s snacks! So we dropped her off then made a quick trip to Waitrose to pick up some yummables.

      A snack pack was made and dropped off, and then Ali made Dede and I our own Snack pack! We also learned about the colourful Bristol houses and the city’s role in olden day slave trade. And Isembard Kin- whatever, a short man with a tall hat, a celebrated architect. And we also learned about Boaty Mc Boatface.

      Upon drop off-all at the station, we waked through the barriers to Platform 9, saying goodbye to Dann and Ali of course, before realising that we were supposed to be on Platform 3. Once we arrived there, we waited for a while, but our train was delayed.

      Oh no!

      We would obviously miss our connecting train, so after a decidedly panicked phone call to my mama j, we asked a platform guy, who basically said to get a train to Swansea. But this came with it’s own troubles, since we had to switch platforms, not once, but twice! And also, it was pouring with rain.

      However, all was eventually well, and embarked upon the train with courage in our hearts and glory in our minds.

      Not really.

      And then we wrote our blogs for the previous day, which lends credit to my previous theory of Pául Simpsôn’s comment, and also snacked on our packs.

      It is also worth mentioning that I bopped out to the Eras Tour Megamix. Like five times. In a row.

      When we finally arrived in Swansea, we waited a little for Granny to arrive, and when she did, we drove off, navigating the complicated routes of this new city.

      Some bopping yacks were had in the car, including ones about cheap dentists leading to Moroccan holidays, planned activities, and the American elections.

      We did stop by at IzFiz’s house, but alas she was not there, and we picked up the wetsuits that we were to borrow from Jill. And also we had a little trip down memory lane, when we drove past my old primary school.

      Finally, we arrived. Andrea and I deposited our bags in the summer house, before heading in to see Terry! (Getting ever balder hehe no jk it is growing back). I wanted to watch Pointless, but it is Sunday! And so not possible! So instead, we watched the Great British Bakeoff.

      I am fully invested and an extremely harsh judge on these contestants, who have a higher level than I ever will.

      We also ate delicious dinner of fish fingers, beans, and chips, which remains among my favourite meals ever. However, on pudding week in the Bakeoff, they made some pretty bad puddings, and Granny was inspired to make better ones in much less time. And so she, Andrea, and I made a pudding with lemon and golden syrup, which was really good but very filling.

      However, we ran out of Bakeoff episodes! And so we will never know the fate of the final four. But instead, we watched the Hit List, which I was not the best at however I did get some songs. And we ended it when two (frankly terrible) women won, thanks to Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, which I got before them despite her proclaiming herself a Swiftie. Hah.

      Finally, we called it a night, and headed off with Granny to the summer house (so she could turn on the heating). However, a chonky spider was spotted, and Granny asked if she should get the vacuum cleaner.

      Flashbacks befell me, mere hours ago, when Granny had said that she had to bring the vacuum cleaner to the summer house for someone, and that it was ridiculous. So I immediately declined, not wanting to be deemed ridiculous, and regretted it later.

      Indeed, when Granny left, we scared the one spider behind a frame and thought all was well. But danger struck when Andrea opened the toilet door and yet another chonky spider was there! I told her to kill it but the angle was all wrong, and how I wished for a vacuum cleaner in that moment.

      But i decided to leave her to it and unfold the blankets, so as not to deal with spiders. However, i saw some speedy dark movement, shrieked, and dropped the blankets on the bed. Andrea emerged, shoe in hand, and like an avenging angel, whacked the spider with force and grace. Well, maybe more force than grace, but details, details. We thought ourselves perhaps safe but no! Yet another spider hid in the folds of the blanket!

      Once again, Andrea to the rescue, all whack whack whack as I filmed. The cameraman never dies people!

      Eventually, the bed was spider free (or so we hope, as we are lying in it right- WHAT WAS THAT ON MY FOOT haha jkjk), but we were both freaked out because the wind was howling and the chimes were chiming and there is no key for the door and I still hadn’t gone to the toilet and never would, so we just got into bed, fearful for our lives and minds.

      I believe, in fact, that my exact words to Andrea were, “If someone breaks in, you die first and I live. Scarred for life perhaps, aware of my own mediocrity yes, but not dead nonetheless”. So really, am I a terrible person? Probably.

      But in bed, we wrote our blogs (or one of us did), vaguely delirious and terrified of every movement. Andrea then asked to turn off the light, so she had to do it. I also made her switch off my lamp because I couldn’t see the switch and what if there were spiders on it? This lead to more screams. Did I mention the previous screaming? Moving on.

      With the light out, spooky shadows are being cast across the curtains. I am this close to pulling a guinea pig and dying of fear.

      But now I will go to sleep because I dont want to see my murderer approaching. Or a spooky ghost. Or a spider.

      Writing this down I am realising just how weak and cowardly I am.

      Honorary mention today goes to peppermint tea. I consumed three today, and now my tongue hurts so much that I think I haven’t got one left. I just keep burning burns on top of burns. Oh also the pudding gets a second mention because we really beat those Bakeoffers.

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing out!

    • Tag 77

      77ème étape ~ Sudbrook

      18. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nous voilà arrivés au Pays de Galle !
      Nous avons trouvé un joli petit coin où nous avons fait une balade et cuit notre dîner.
      Crème de carotte, saucisse anglaise et bacon.
      Nous sommes ensuite partis à la recherche d’un élément crucial pour connecter notre bouteille de gaz (et oui les anglais ne font rien comme nous alors nous vivons sans gaz, donc sans cuisine et sans chauffage)…
      Nous espérons trouver une solution rapidement 🥶

    • Tag 78

      78ème étape ~ Newport

      19. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Après 5 jours et 4 nuits sans gaz, sans cuisinière, sans chauffage, merci à Clair Gas Center d’avoir trouvé une solution !
      Merci pour leur gentillesse, pour leur aide, je ne sais pas comment on aurait fait sinon.
      Du coup, on vous partage notre danse de la victoire/joie 💃🕺

    • Tag 78

      79ème étape ~ Cardiff

      19. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Après une petite balade dans le parc, nous traversons le château de Cardiff.
      Nous dégustons des Welshcakes, autrement dit des gâteaux gallois.
      Nous découvrons le mur des animaux, les 9 premiers animaux sont les originaux, on peut les reconnaître grâce à leurs yeux de verre. Les 6 derniers sont plus récents, et n’ont pas été créés par le même architecte. Ils ont inspiré plusieurs auteurs.
      Après être passé devant le stade, nous décidons de nous arrêter manger un brunch dans un endroit exceptionnel.
      Après une balade dans la ville, nous retournons dans notre maison roulante.

    • Tag 78

      80ème étape ~ Swansea

      19. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Nous finissons la journée au marché couvert de Swansea. Apparement il s’agit du plus grand marché couvert du Royaume-Uni. Pour notre part, nous ne l’avons pas trouvé si grand mais nous y avons trouvé notre bonheur. 🥰Weiterlesen

    • Tag 79

      81ème étape ~ Brecon Beacons (jour 1)

      20. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Quelle merveille de se réveiller avec le bêlement et la compagnie des moutons ! 🥰
      Après un bon dîner préparé par Florian, nous partons pour une randonnée qui s’annonce magnifique. 🥾
      Malheureusement, le temps n’était pas avec nous…
      Arrivés au sommet du Corn Du, nous étions envahis par le brouillard.
      Nous avons quand même marché 7km, en environ 2h30, avec un dénivelé d’environ 880m.

    • Tag 80

      81ème étape ~ Brecon Beacons (jour 2)

      21. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Aujourd’hui, nous avons randonné à travers le parc national de Brecon Beacons avec nos nouveaux amis : Jay & Angelo ! 🦙
      Et oui ! Ce sont des alpagas ! Nous avons vraiment bien rigolé.
      Après la balade, nous leur avons donné à manger.
      Bien que la pluie nous a accompagnés, c’était un chouette moment. 🥰
      Mélody a adoré faire sa balade à dos d’alpaga, elle trouve que c’est un super moyen de locomotion mais pas aussi agréable que la veste de papa 😂

    • Tag 50

      CP Rhos on Sea

      23. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Revolutionäre neue Grilltechnik im Kastenwagen. Das Gestell ist normalerweise für Toast gedacht.....aber ein überaus cleverer Tüftler macht daraus einen Grill für Hogrefe Grillwurst. Schauen wir mal.......
      Iris, die mir nicht getraut hat, platzt jetzt vor Neid, da sie ihre Würste noch in der Pfanne braten muss.....
      Dazu natürlich Jever im passenden Baziglas

    • Tag 81

      82ème étape ~ Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgog…

      22. Oktober 2022 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Voici la ville qui détient le record du plus long nom avec ses 58 caractères et 51 lettres (le “ll” et le “ch” ne comptent que comme 1 lettre) : Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch 😱
      Sa signification est : l’église de Sainte-Marie dans le creux du noisetier blanc près du tourbillon rapide et l’église de Saint-Tysilio près de la grotte rouge.
      Il n’y a rien à visiter, nous avons juste pris ces photos 😅

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