  • День 12

    Day 9: out of comfort zone, into the bea

    25 октября 2018 г., Непал ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    First of all, Rosa is sick. Poor Rosa. I am so sorry for her and I hope so mucb she will be fine tomorrow to go to Dharmashala, where we gonna camp at 4570m before the pass to the other valley. Today we had Samdo Peak on the list - or a shorter version to 4500m or a break at the village. My mum said, I would go all the way up anyway. I was not sure aboht that, even more with my wobbly bandages knees. We all started together, Rosa had to turn around after an hour, so we headed further up only the seven of us with our two wonderful guides. When I say up, I mean up. It was so so steep! And this at almost 4000m starting point. It was so steep. Ruth, she is short, had to take huge steps, I was a bit more advantageous woth my long legs. At some point at around 4700m Ruth and Rolf turned around, too, Rolf also not feeling a 100% fit. Peter, Hans-Peter, Martin, Daniel, Bidi the guide and me went further up. We reached the little summit at 4850m and decided to head down a different way, thank god. While doing that we realized that going to the actual summit we wanted to reach opened up a different, easier descent. So up we went and reached (selon which watch you trust) around 5100m. What a view! It was awesome. Magical. We could see to Tibet, to the pass we gonna cross the day after tomorrow, just wonderful being up there. The way down, let’s say, I did it, it was way less bad then i expected but nevertheless I was thankful to be down again. We had soup for lunch, then again a bowl with a bit of warm water, enough for a clean. After dinner again some card game and now it is 9o’clock and I am already in my cosy sleeping bag, looking forward for the next couple of days! Oh, it is cold, not as cold as yesterday since it snowed.Читать далее