  • Dag 12

    fudleblutt wahnsinn

    11. juli 2019, Russland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    We were picked up for the helicopter trip at around 8:15 and we were driving to a little airport. There we checked in, got a tag (number 423) and waited for our call. There were approximately 10 helicopters at the base waiting for us tourists. Then it was our turn. I’ve never been in a helicopter before so it was exciting! We were all seated vis-à-vis on a bench with the back to the windows, had a seatbelt and ear protections - and off we were! Luckily we had somehow good weather so we were able to fly. First we overflow the city, then some green, forests and soon came the volcanic fields. What a sight. And then the first highlight, the volcano with the phreatic eruption. So so cool! We were so close up and the view was just stunning. It didn’t end here, we flew to the next valcano with a acid lake, turquoise. Unbelievable. After 1:40min flight we landed in the valley of the geysir where we had a walk on wooden planks, very well made. We saw a lot of mud holes and one big geysir, that one was even more impressive then the one I saw in New Zealand. After more then an hour there we were in the helicopter again and were flown to another plateau which was once a volcano and now a potburrie of chemistry. Beautiful colors, cute mud holes but then! Then the highlight of the highlight of the highlights of all highlights: A mother bear with two cubs. Oh my dear was that cute! I could now explain how cute and everything, but I won’t because I won’t stop. We said good bye to that overly cute sight and took again the helicopter to the hot springs, where we had a bath and lunch. Then we flew back to the airport. That whole excursion was expensive but worth every single penny - or rubel. We flew more then 2.5h and saw many things, we were all ecstatic. Diner was delicious and off we went to bed for the adventure tomorrow!Les mer