  • Jour 9

    desert, well dunes

    30 novembre 2019, Maroc ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Oh dear, that was one awesome day: It started with early breakfast at the hotel in the Dades valley and the Hisham took us to the look out of it: We were there with a lot of Spanish people. It seems Marocco is a dear spot for them, considering it is just next by, not so surprising. There are also quite a lot of Britain and also Chinese people. After some pictures we drove down the valley we saw now in daylight and we were delighted. It was beautiful. We had a coffee again at some place (Hisham pretends I am as addicted to coffee as him) and then headed to gorge ofThodra. Again, beautiful. We had lunch at a quite touristy place with standard food: There is Schnitzel and Fries, you can almost always have chicken lemon Tangerine and Maroccan salad. It’s very nice, some better then other. Unfortunately, when you have booked a complete trip one cannot really choose where to eat or said otherwise, I feel of more confusing the organiser then anything else. And food is nice (and you pay 3-5 times more of course). We headed to the dune El Cheibb, the most famous dune in Marocco. As often I only realized quite late that we booked a camel ride that would bring us to tents to spend the night near the dunes. I was ery sceptical, a bit scared to fall of that animal. But I had a very nice one, being the last of the caravan. Behind me was a baby camel. Very cute. We were ten people, the other all from Brazil. Christoph wasn’t as lucky as me, his camel acted strangely from the beginning making strange noises. We started to walk, funny sitting on one. I have no idea on how camels are made to have human on their back. It is even much more interesting when walking down the dunes since they slide down. Then you have to hold on. Christoph’s camel was probably either very bored (because I think camels look bored anyway) or/and hungry: It started to nibble at the saddle of the guy in front if him. The saddle contains straw and that camel was very insisting on getting that straw that it walked funnily and Christoph had to hold on real tight, me, too, because I had to laugh so hard. It was so funny! After that we walked up one of the dunes and had one of the most stunning sunset with some pink cloud action going on, I couldn’t believe the sight of it. Just awesome. Then we had shower in our berber tent ‘village’, some tea an then a delicious diner. After that we went star gazing again to end that incredible day.En savoir plus