traveled in 16 countries Read more
  • Day 18

    esso, where the shower is

    July 17, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Today’s plan was to leave between 8 and 8:30 for a long drive to Esso. We got up at around six, were allvery efficient with helping eachother bringing down the tents so that we were all set for breakfast even before seven. Again incredible what Larissa prepares for our meals. We run out of milk and cream but if that is our only problem then we gladly take it. We said goodbye to that wonderful landscape and went off the bumpy roads. Lunchtime was in a dried river bed where not so many mosquitoes come for lunch, too. Those tiny things are incredible. If you go for a pee into the woods you have stinges all
    over places you definitely don’t want them to have. Men having the same problem, btw. We arrived in Esso quite early after sveryone fell alseep in the truck after lunch. We had two hours before visiting the Ethnographic Museum and the Concert so we first enjoyed a shower, then a bath in the hot swimming pool and my mum was so kind and did laundry. The water of the washed socks needed three times changing. We took a lot of volcanic ashes with us. We strolled through the little village of Esso with 2000 habitants. It had electricity from hydra station and lots of warm water from hot springs. There are metal tubes in the bathroom for heating,
    you can’t touch them so hot they are and they hest uo the whole room. They are excellent in winter and of course for laundry but less appreciated when it is 28 degrees outside! The ethnographic Museum is a outdoor one with houses of the indigenous people. They have almost the same equipment and way of life like the Inuit - of course there was a lot of trading between all of those tribes. Interestingly some already during their life made their funeral dress with a hoodie on and when they died the hood was places on the face. There had also shamans, the last one lived until the 60ies. Of course they were forbidden during the Soviets. Nowadays only a couple of hundred people are indigenous. Their history was like the polynesians told and not written so a lot was lost during the time. After the Museum we went to a hall (not before some of us filled up their beer proviants for the next days) where we had e exclusive concert of a group called Nulgur (I think. I will look it up in the book, but we are at the moment in the bus to the snow valley and Christine, the owner of the book, is sleeping next to me. We are driving through very very dense forest, it is beautiful). Anyway, that concert and dance was magical. They showed us dances from different indigenous tribes, like the dance of the seagulls, the salmon, the reindeer. Oh, about animals, there are raindeers, moose (biggest animal in Kamtchatka with 1 ton), brown bear, wolverines (Vielfrass), Zobel (or something like that. They call it here the soft gold because if its precious fur. Btw, the whole leather making process was a womans job), lots of birds and fishes. The spectacle went for an hour and we returned to the hotel for a good nights sleep in the bed. I was so happy because for the first time here in Kamtchatka I felt really 100% good since I had a nasty cold since arriving here and my knees, that tries to make new records in swelling, got a bandage and I feel like I will be able to climb or rather get down the next three volcanos. I am so thankful. Now just the weather has to play along.
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  • Day 17


    July 16, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Having three days in a row sunny weather is unusual for here - we are a lucky bunch of people! After that day yesterday we slept in until 8:20, breakfast was at nine and around 10 we started for another trip to lava from 2012s eruption. It was again a splendid day with a lot of laughter, interesting conversations and heaps of information about volcanos. It is so sweet, Anja, one of the translator, has just been working for the company for some days and all information about volcanoes and the eruption she gets from Vitaly (pronouncements is on the ‘a’ not the ‘y’, second last vocal is pronounced in Russian) Anaway, all she has to translate is new for her, too, and she is very amazed and fascinated like we are and that is so good to see. She listens attentively and then says, oh wow, interesting and then translates. It is so co to see that also our guides have fun. Vitaly is amazing and takes very good care of us, showing us spontaneously alternative routes to go down one of the cones. He never could have done it before with tourists because of weather. We went also to a spot on the lava field where you could see lava two years ago. Nowadays it is still hot enough to toast some bread. Delicious. We only were out for three, four hours, enjoying those amazing views. We went in another gave under the lava, where the magna made is way out and became lava, too. Fascinating the different colors of rocks, those formations, the different weight of the stones. I can understand why studying volcanology. Back at the camp we had lunch and then we were sitting around, talking and then again having diner. Larissa is one amazing cook. I was seated next to Tony, the vet who specialized in birds. The most common disease birds have in Australia is Chlamydia. Not the one that is sexually transmitted that I know in humans but a genotype that birds have and is transmitted from bird to human (or bird to bird) per aerosol, tiny little particles in the air, and treated by doxycycline. Tomorrow we have gonna spend the morning in the car on the way to Esso. There we are looking forward to a shower before having another five nights in the tents and three volcanos to climb up! Lucky me!Read more

  • Day 16

    snow. a heck of a lot of snow.

    July 15, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    I can’t start again with what a day but it just seems so appropriated! We were punctual at breakfast for porridge (a salty one, not everyone’s taste, mine it was) and even more ponctual to drive to our starting point. Vitaly said it will be a long, hard day and he was right - but also an incredible fabulous one, shared with my mum was so special. The way up eas quickly through a snow field and those would be THE thing of the day. We crossed a huge lava field from 1975s eruption. Our group was, not surprising, a bit separated by the faster and the less faster. At some point we split and up we were those snow fields. They were a bit of a pain because you would break in until the knees or more quite randomly but hey, we had sun, it was a beautiful view and just wow! Additionally the nearer we were on the top, the wind came and blew my mum teice on the ground. All in all we made it almost all of us, two had to turn back earlier but still, very impressive. Up Talbačik is a huge crater with a depth of a couple of hundred meter. As it is often on top of things, they are not the most comfortable places to be so we startes the ascent. With the sun comes also melty snow and we were just even more breaking through and some of us really got to their personal physical limits. At some point it was real big fun because you could slide down the hill. Awesome. All in all we had a good group spirit and we made it down all safely and very happy. Back at the camp awaited us a delicious diner with sushi and a home made special fish soup from Larissa. I was lucky to eat my mums since she doesn’t like it. My mum rocked today. Completely. We walked 24km in total with an ascent of 1400m and with all those snowfields up and down it was even a bigger effort. Very very cool!Read more

  • Day 15

    hot stones

    July 14, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    What a day. Again. The sunshine greeted us and the viee was splendid. It reminded me of Bhutan when it was the same situation. How lucky we were. Before breakfast mum and me quickly went home the small hill and had a gorgeous view of the surroundings. After a delicious breakfast we started with our monster truck in direction of the cones where the magna erupted from the 1975 eruption. We climbed it up and the colors were amazing. Vitaly explained a lot, he knows heaps about volcanos here. The scientist could predict the 75’s eruption a couple of days before so they could evacuate the village around. The ground up there is still hot, if you dig a bit deeper it is too hot to touch. Amazing, this after more then 40 years! After getting down again we had a delicious lunch and we continued to the dead forest, a forest that was covered with up to 20m ashes. The trees died because of the toxic air and they stick out as dried wood. At some places where the ashes weren’t that high the nature has taken slowly over already. Again impressive sight. Next station was a lava cave, also incredible. You have again this feeling of being a insignificant little blup in the big big universe imagining those forces that shows at such an eruption. I talked about that with Tony, the Australian. He is a vet and now does food for exotic animals. Very interesting. He teached me about animal poo, the different kind. In case you find poo that is white and there is fur inside it is from an animal that is obligatory carnivore. He also found an ulna of a little aninal, we supposed those were the little ground squirrel. He also showed some moose poo, that one is very light and has just fibers in them. Again, learnt a lot and poo is very informative! We ended the day with a debriefing about tomorrow, the ascent on the first volcano that will be probably in the snow. So we hope for sun and some dry feet!Read more

  • Day 14

    magna, lava and co.

    July 13, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    After a delicious breakfast from Melissa we started at 9:20 in direction to the valcona. I guess at some point I will know the names. We are lucky, Marcel is very interested in them and explains a lot. Fir example what the difference between lava and magna is (lava is the outside-of-the-volcano-magna, more or less). We quickly left the good road to a bumpy one. It was very funny sitting in the wheels since bumpy is in another dimension there. We stopped at a lava-river from the eruption of 2011 that distroyed the road so instead of taking one if a couple of kilometers we had ten to do. But thanks to the good driver we had no problems at all. Lunch was on a ash field, very delicious and not under the rain, very cool. We arrived at our campside at around three-ish, we were shown of how to set up the tents (no rain!!!) and quickly we were about to get ourselves at home here for the next four nights. The tents are quite small, the big bags having a bit worries to fit in. Luckily there are three blockhouses that are a kitchen and a diner room at the same time where we can also leave the luggage. Perfect. We went for a quick walk where Vasily explained us more about the eruption of 1975. It took place in november and since there was a blizzard people here didn’t figure out what was going on. The magna also didn’t came out of the volcano like we would expect but found a way underground and came out twice of the ground, we will have a look there tomorrow. At one place the whole thing needed 72 days and at the other more then 470 days to cool down. Back at the camp we had tea, then diner and a briefing for tomorrow. We gonna visit the dead forest, the four cones that were formed at the eruption of 1975 and into some caves. Exciting!Read more

  • Day 13

    russian sauna after long drive

    July 12, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    8:50 rdv in front of the hotel. The big truck waited already and under steady rain our luggage was fixed on the roof of that monster truck. After some time we were tucked in and we drove off. With us a driver, a cook, Christina and Anja for translation and Vitaly, our chief master. During the drive he explained about the history of Kamtchatka, why esrthquake, how many volcanos (there are more then 200, 29 or 30 of them active, more on the eastern range then the western range (there onyl two)). First stop was in Miloko, a town 300km north of Petropalovsk, famous for pies. We had coffee and mum and I got a pie (oh, a rime 😊) for later. We continued our journey north until we had lunch around 2pm. We walked a bit around in town, we were five of us. I bought four apples and the guy gestures around and I had no clue until I understood that he tried to tell me that I hadn’t bought enough for all of us! Of course I couldn’t explain why not five but it was funny. By the way our group is very fun and we have a nice dynamic aready. The third stop was just very short and the fourth one at Kamtchatka river where they built a bridge over it in 2011 only, before it was a feeey in summer and in winter - no cars. If needed helicopter. We arrived at around 7:30 in a cute little village in a guesthouse with even cuter little houses for two and a russian sauna. Perfect. Afrer a walk we went seating for a round until the delicious diner was ready. We had a debriefing from Vitaly and we stayed for quite some togehter talking. I was tonight with Karin, Laura, Marcel and Walter, the latter is Swiss, has seen the world trough job and travel, for example he did Panamerica in 2.5years in the early 80ies, Galapagos included. Very cool! Now it is 11:30pm, alarmclock goes at seven for another long journey into the national park near the first volcano we wanna climb! I am so lucky!Read more

  • Day 12

    fudleblutt wahnsinn

    July 11, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    We were picked up for the helicopter trip at around 8:15 and we were driving to a little airport. There we checked in, got a tag (number 423) and waited for our call. There were approximately 10 helicopters at the base waiting for us tourists. Then it was our turn. I’ve never been in a helicopter before so it was exciting! We were all seated vis-à-vis on a bench with the back to the windows, had a seatbelt and ear protections - and off we were! Luckily we had somehow good weather so we were able to fly. First we overflow the city, then some green, forests and soon came the volcanic fields. What a sight. And then the first highlight, the volcano with the phreatic eruption. So so cool! We were so close up and the view was just stunning. It didn’t end here, we flew to the next valcano with a acid lake, turquoise. Unbelievable. After 1:40min flight we landed in the valley of the geysir where we had a walk on wooden planks, very well made. We saw a lot of mud holes and one big geysir, that one was even more impressive then the one I saw in New Zealand. After more then an hour there we were in the helicopter again and were flown to another plateau which was once a volcano and now a potburrie of chemistry. Beautiful colors, cute mud holes but then! Then the highlight of the highlight of the highlights of all highlights: A mother bear with two cubs. Oh my dear was that cute! I could now explain how cute and everything, but I won’t because I won’t stop. We said good bye to that overly cute sight and took again the helicopter to the hot springs, where we had a bath and lunch. Then we flew back to the airport. That whole excursion was expensive but worth every single penny - or rubel. We flew more then 2.5h and saw many things, we were all ecstatic. Diner was delicious and off we went to bed for the adventure tomorrow!Read more

  • Day 11

    so so so so far away

    July 10, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Somehow I feel like yesterday and today are one same day since we flew away from the night and landed at around 10 at the airport of Kamchatka. It is a tiny airport. There is just one baggage claim roll-thing and logistically I can say there is potential for doing better. We were expected by Christina, one of our translater for the trek, together with Matthias and Walter I (there will be 2 Walters, 2 Martins and almost 2 Christine/a). We are 15 in total and only 10 of then have their luggage, two are Austrian, one is Australian, three German and the rest is Swiss. We all came from different directions and somehow luggage got lost in translation. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow for everyone. Otherwise mum and me fighted successfully the jetlag and we are now in bed. Petropavlosk is along a 24km bay at the sea. Not the prettiest city and the amount of Maibach seen here is zero (my dad said yesterday that the density of Maibachs in Moscow is as how as the density of Subarus in the Canton of Uri). We booked spontaneously a helicopter flight to Geysirs and this is actually so exciting but I am a bit too tired so excitement will come tomorrow. But all in all, I almost can’t believe I am here. Yippee!!!Read more

  • Day 10

    one way, two cars

    July 9, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Last day with dad in Russia! We met fir breakfast at 9 again and went in a little fancy coffee shop where we had the best croissant in Moscow so far. Since I let the soles of my trekking shoes at home we went for a hunt. We found some in a Pharmacy just next to the café but didn’t buy them right away for carrying reason and we want to have a look if there are some other ones. We headed again for the centre, we checked for soles in other pharmacies, they had the same one, just 300 Rubel more expensive. So it was clear for me where to get them. Our goal for today was a park just next to the red square. It is just at the Moskva river and beautifully designed. We enjoyed again the sun there and eachothers company. We ordered the cab for 13:30h to have enough time at the airport. A not at all talkative driver picked us up and were on our way to the airport. On a kind of highway with four lanes our driver got slower and then stopped- and told us he had a problem. Obviously. Hahaha, that was funny and also a bit dangerous since we were in the middle of the road. After maybe 20min another guy in a black car without any cab sign came and we transferred our bags on that busy road. Everything went well and we were on time at the airport. Since dad was at another terminal we had to split there already. That was not so easy especially for my parents, they haven’t been away for so long for years. It is wonderful to see your parents get along so well. Now it was just my mum and me and we had to drop our luggage at the oversized counter, not because of the size but the shape of it. We did that, went through security, had another coffee and waited with some other couple of hundreds passenger to go to the far east. Let the adventure begin!Read more

  • Day 9

    round we go

    July 8, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today’s highlight was a short break for something to eat at a trainstation called Kiev where suddenly the russian anthem was pouring out of loudspeaker and the fountain in the front was doing a little ballet to the music. Crazy. Otherwise we walked around Moscow in a nice circle of a lot of km and explored another metro station. We found a beautiful little café, had nice weather, discovered a lot and were just blissfully happy to spend time together.Read more

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