  • Dag 12

    The Northern Lights

    5. november 2016, Island ⋅ 🌙 -1 °C

    This is why the diary wasn't updated last night.

    The temperatures dropped to -4C whilst we eat our evening meal and the skies were clear so we decided to grab our cameras and drive back along the route to try a find a dark location ... and wait.

    Rob has an App on his phone which predicts the chance of seeing the Aurora ... he would, wouldn't he! Tony is definitely experiencing the technology age on this trip.

    We waited in the car for a hour or so and with the forecast still low (though improving) we were on the point of calling it a day.

    And then they arrived. At first there was just a tint, a mere mist of light in the north, but within seconds we were treated to a display of shimmering curtains of green that continually changed shape and brightness. Our moment had come and we tried to capture it all as best we could.

    Unfortunately the phone could only produce what we've uploaded so the photos we took we'll bring back for you to see.

    So it happened ... our wishes came true and what a fantastic end to a stunning day.
    Les mer