  • Giorno 9

    Sussex/St John Area

    1 agosto 2019, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We are now staying with Gerard's cousin Jerry and his wife Sherry. Jerry said if we stayed at his house he would tour us around the area for a couple of days.
    The first thing we saw today was the reversing falls and we were fortunate to see the falls in reverse. The St John River flows into the Bay of Fundy but when the tide comes in the bay pushes the river back making the river water flow in the opposite direction. We timed it right and got to see this phenomenon. It's hard to see in the picture (the Bay is on the right and it is making the river flow backwards). We went a little farther down the river and saw a spot where the current was so strong that ducks were purposely floating backwards in the river.😄
    The next stop was at a lighthouse just to get a better view of the Bay of Fundy.
    After that we went to St Martin's to experience the sea caves. Here the tide was low so you could go into the caves. When the tide is high it completely covers the caves.
    At the same spot where the sea caves are located there were two covered bridges. So we stopped to take some pictures. The last picture is the boats sitting on the sea bed during low tide. It was quite the day.
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