  • Dag 29

    A biiigg long travel day back to Denmark

    9 september 2017, Denemarken ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Awake at 2.30 AM Iceland time to catch the 4am bus to Keflavik Airport. Our flight isn't until 8.30 but others fly out at 7 or 7.30 so we just go woth them. Free bus! Otherwise pay a 50 euro taxi fare 👍
    Icelandair flight to Copenhagen takes about 3 hours so we all manage a bit of a snooze to keep us going.
    We then catch the right train for a 3 hour ride to Aarhus. So we managed some mire snoize. One thing - when I booked the train I apparently didn't book seats so we were in other people's seats but they were all good about it. Dad did have to play musical chairs for a while!
    Thor and his girlfriend Julie picked us up. Sooo good to see and hug my boy again!!! He was just as stoked 💕 Julie is lovely, she lives in Copenhagen and is in last year of nursing. They met in Australia!!!
    Thor brought us around to Karen and Ib's place . Nanna was there to greet us, Karen and Ib were next door at a neighbours party 🎶🎵🍻
    Nanna, Thor and Julie made us a very lovely meal. Karen and Ib came back around 8-ish. We talked until we couldn't stay awake any longer.
    Looking forward to being able to relax and just be in one spot for a while.
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