  • Dag 59

    Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

    1 juni 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Our original plans were to meet our friends Sarah, James and Cora here at the KOA for the weekend and head to Busch Gardens amusement park and maybe Water Country USA. We had a cabin at the KOA rather than camping as we were both going to have a cabin, next to each other, as it was not possible to get a tent and cabin next to each other.

    The weather didn't want to agree with our plans and Sarah asked us to her house instead in Towson (Baltimore) Maryland. It wasn't going to be fun while there was torrential rain and thunderstorms.

    Today was a sunny day and wanted to make sure we used it wisely. We packed up the car and got out of the KOA before 930am.

    We made it to Colonial Williamsburg and had a few hours before we had to drive North. As we only had a few hours we bought a sampler pack which we got to go into 4 "red" buildings but did not include any of the museums.

    The kids got to play colonial games in an area just for kids, Brandon learned mancala, as well as another dice/numbers game. We also made it just in time for a archeological dig, where Brandon got to dig at a site. The dig uncovered glass, oyster shells, brick pieces, pottery and smoking pipe pieces. It was pretty cool.

    We got to see horse and carriages, people dressed up in period costumes and our last stop was the blacksmith and tin Smith shop house.

    It was an extremely hot, humid and sticky day, nearly reaching 40/100 degrees. Inara was so tired and hot she fell asleep on josh's shoulder sitting up while at the blacksmith. (She refused being in the pram). This is rare for her to do.

    Our 3.5 hour drive resulted to almost 5 hours because we are on the East Coast. There was numerous accidents that added 20 min here and there in the drive and well it is a Friday afternoon in June. We finally made it after a petrol stop and McDonald's dinner stop for the kids. We have almost driven 7000 miles and the first major traffic issues we have had.

    That night Jeff Janos, a old friend also joined us and it was great being around just chillin.
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