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  • Dag 16

    Day 15 Stia. A restful rest day

    9. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We had a quit stroll after breakfast visiting the church before Shirl had a very good rest. In the evening we ate at the same restaurant as last night and had a good meal.
    Then a restful evening.

  • Dag 15

    Day 14. Stia

    8. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Irina picked us up for breakfast at 7-30 and we breakfasted with K & R. We left at 8 but the other two waited for the Americans and the two Aussies we have yet to meet.
    We looked over pass but it was shrouded in mist.
    Today was supposed to be an easier day, mainly downhill, with some ascents. Didn't feel like that.
    Shirl was having back problems so it made it a very difficult
    day. Beat in mind the only way out is to walk. It was a struggle for her. I took the heavier items out of her to try and ease the load. We made it but what an ordeal for Shirl.
    Shirl's back injury is similar to the one she experienced on the South West Coast walk.
    As soon as we arrived she showered and after a massaged and some painkillers she went to bed to get as much rest as possible.
    In the meantime I had to re-arrange our itinerary. The biggest problem is transport in these remote areas.
    There is always. solution to all problems and by the time Shirl had rested the problem was solved
    We will remain on Stia tomorrow and then travel by bus for two days in Badia Prataglia, an original stop for us.
    Then two days in Sansecolpro before, hopefully continuing to walk.
    I had already programmed som rest days. Little later on and we will still have them.
    In the evening we went to dinner and finally met up with Sandie and Roxanne, two Aussies from Perth. There were 8 of us for a very pleasant dinner. Non stop conversation.
    A good night pity I left my mobile in the room.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Day 13. Passo della Consuma

    8. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    A little stiff this morning as we eased ourselves up the mountain for Diacetto. A steady climb. Got lost once but we made it for coffee and dolci. This was followed by about 5 kms on a quiet lane. We met Kathren, Belgian, as we rested on a bench before entering the forest and the afternoon's climb.
    The track had been chewed up badly by the loggers and this made it difficult on the steeper sections. We had plenty of shade in the forest, which was welcome. The total climb was 1050 metres. We were glad to arrive in Consuma.
    Our hostess drove us about 500ms to the accommodation. We had a 3 bedroom house to ourselves. Irina drove us to and from for dinner and breakfast.
    Gerry and Alice(Americans) who we met yesterday were supposed to have dinner with us but they were billeted about 25kms away. Dinner was Kathryn, Ronald(Dutch) and ourselves. It made for a pleasant evening.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Day 12. On the road again.

    5. september 2017, Italia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Today, the first day of the Via Francesco, saw us leave Florence at 8am for a 21 km walk.
    There were no markings through Florence but we cleared the city limits new markings appeared which, I found out this evening had been placed there by the group that Sandy Brown was guiding to Assisi, 1 day ahead of us.
    We climbed steadily up to Settignano where it was time for coffee and brioche. Just after the town we started a quite steep descent down to the river Arno and the villages of Compiobbi (gelato there), Zellers, Le Falle and Sieci where we had a panini.
    From there it was a long climb as the temperatures increased and once we were over the top it was a long descent to Pontassieve.
    A tiring day because we had lost a lot of fitness during the month since Shirl's accident.
    After a shower we went shopping for some supplies for tomorrow as there is nowhere on route to buy anything.
    We had a really good meal and now it's bed before an early start tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Day 9, 10 & 11. Florence.

    4. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Our relocation to Florence created no problems for us but the conductor on the train was run ragged by people trying to avoid paying. You had to hand it to him, In difficult circumstances he did a good job.
    We are staying on the outskirts of town and the Via Francesco runs practically past our front door. It will reduce the first day's walk by over 3 kms.
    Our major task here is to visit the Basilica Santa Croce for our first stamp in the pilgrim passport. We were unsuccessful on the Sunday ( bookshop in Basilica closed) but today we succeeded.
    It was on the mid 90's we were here last during a two week Italian course. Shirl used to sightsee in the morning whilst I toiled in the classroom. We used to meet early afternoon in the Piazza della Signorina by the statue of David. It's all changed as the steps have been removed.
    We have revisited all the popular places along with thousand of other tourists. The queues for the Uffizi, Duomo and the Basilica were huge. The city is taking it in.
    We are anxious to start walking tomorrow and our plans are well advanced. Some of the places we were going to stay in are closed. They only open for the summer. It means a couple of longer days but it's manageable. There are several stages we won't due as the distances between accomodation are too long for us.
    We are ready to go and looking forward to tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Day 8. Pistoia

    1. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We were surprised this morning as we were able to sight see. The forecast was for rain & thunderstorms last night but not much eventuated. So off we went having our normal coffee and brioche. I have just trained the barista to serve Shirl's coffee as she likes it. An expresso with a little hot water. They say "un americano" . I say no and eventually She got the message.
    Our intention was to visit the Fortress of Santa Barbara first but a pleasant surprise awaited us. The Dominican Library was open. We tried to visit yesterday but it was closed. An enthusiastic young man gave us a personal tour. The library itself was not much to see but we saw some interesting frescoes and sketches. At one time it was the friars intention to have a museum of sketches. These sketches are the artists design for the frescoes which are painted over them. They have technique which paints a coat over the fresco and when it sets they remove it and adhere to a plaster base. The original sketch is revealed underneath. I was allowed to take a photo of one example.
    One corridor in the building had its walls covered in the original sketches.
    Did you know the Dominican's are "The dogs of God". (Domini cane).
    Another coffee and brioche and then we visited St Paul's with its bare interior walls. No frescoes remain.
    Finally we arrived at the Fortress. What a disappointment. A derelict dump.
    A final Pistoia gelato and we headed home with threatening clouds above. They disappeared after several hours. The forecast is for storms tonight with up to 10 deg drop in temp. Fingers crossed.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Day 7. Frescoes and Ceilings in Pistoia.

    31. august 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Pistoia, Italy's cultural capital for 2017, has many secrets to reveal, and this morning we found some of its frescoes and ceilings.
    There are traces of frescoes on all the walls of the churches and historical buildings. One can only wonder at what wonderful sight it must have been before time and neglect reduced their appearance.
    The wooden painted ceilings with their enormous beams makes me wonder about their construction. Quite a feat to man handle them into position.
    A very interesting morning which ended with gelato and Shirl jealously guarding hers from the licking ice cream immigrant, should he appear.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Day 6. Domesticity in Pistoia

    30. august 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Today was the day for washing and sorting ourselves out before we head off to Firenze and then the Via Francesco.
    I am busy finding accommodation for the walk. Due to the size and isolation of some of the places it involves a lot of work to choose the right option.
    I have included some photos from yesterday.
    Les mer

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