  • Dag 22


    6. april 2019, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    In excess of 30o today , so good time to BLOG…
    Arrival into Mauritius in the early morning, hot and humid, with the jagged volcanic peaks above, green ,very much so, as this side of the Island receives a lot of rain ,the other side ,of beautiful resorts is much dryer. Unforgettable as described in our Port talk, well, not quite what we saw ,but a wonder ,that was so on my list, was up to expectations and beyond.
    An independent nation since 1968,and colonised by many over time, Dutch, French, British, now of Chinese, Indian, Malay descent. Sugar cane its main export and earner in the past, now superseded by Tourism. The Local inhabitants do not like to work the sugar cane, so people from Bangladesh come for that. There are stray dogs, and quite a few, with pups, as it is in many parts of the getting used to that again Not starving, seemed to be resident in the terminal area ,many more dotted around the city and surrounds…
    Rubbish everywhere ,simply how it is..A new waterfront part recently developed ,with modern shops ,a very nice Craft market ,beautiful fabrics, some hand painted, and clever work in bags and clothing ,woodwork of the inlaid kind , so clever ,so our early city walk was interesting .Tall very straight palms, line the streets ,and a few modern buildings, but a lot that is run down ,and very sub standard. China is here, building roads and bridges and much more and possibly a hand in the large Harbour development. Bright and beautiful flowers , huge growth in the climate, so keeping it all under control, is a challenge I’m sure..Fine looking people.
    We didn’t stay too long in the intense humidity, as we had an afternoon tour. Rain often on all day, misty showers, growing heavier by afternoon. We went off to the Pamplemousses Gardens ,seeing the suburbs ,some not good ,but some cared for, the rich dark reddish earth, was cultivated in many places, for small gardens. The sugar cane fields, lush and tidy. The Botanical Gardens were not carefully manicured, but had many kinds of palms, and spice trees of many kinds, bats, huge…but at that time of day not a lot of birds which was disappointing, a few very pretty ,smaller ones.
    Then we saw the Giant Water Lilies, which I had so wanted to see, huge, like big patty pan papers, of all sizes, so beautiful and worth coming for. !Such a highlight, we both loved them ,and further on the Lotus ponds, which were so elegant and lovely, as well…So very special ,and many photos later….!!! A tourist shop for a stop ,and full of cashmere ,in the heat ,unthinkable…Heavy rain ,so back to the comfort of our vessel, umbrellas waiting for us at the bus, bucketing down now, we still got wet, but its so hot, it didn’t matter.
    Those who travelled further afield ,saw some of the nicer parts, but we have to remember, there are far more people in this world ,who live in poverty, than live as we are so fortunate to live.
    A lovely meal and shared our day with several, one, the Financial Officer ,Rosa, from Uruguay ,who entertained us with stories of her Camper van adventures in N Z ,something lovely in every day.!
    This morning the Baby Hats have been set out, photographed ,then boxed ready for 3 destinations . The Captain and Officers came, took many photos, and we had cocktails. There will be a presentation tomorrow in Madagascar, a Church Group is being represented on board, on the huge screen will be our photos…as we will be on tours.
    There has been a collection of clothing and toiletries as well.
    Maputo, Mozambique ,are receiving more hats, and a donation of $50,000,plus linen and things, for their cyclone relief,2 days later, and further on in Durban ,the Hospital will get the rest of the hats…we are still knitting…. It’s a really nice thing to be part of.
    We marvel at technology, still …Cetrece enjoying Stewart Island, and all the Family ,catching cod today, and sending instant pics…! We loved seeing everyone, her weather is perfect.! Bye from us ,heading for Madagascar .
    [Sorry Mum ,not a Postcard to be found in Port Louis yesterday…]
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