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    Cape Town,South Africa

    18. April 2019 in Südafrika ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Cape Town , South Africa.
    First viewing of the Western Cape for me was 4am, seeing the beautiful silhouette ,as we came nearer, these are some of the roughest oceans in the world ,where the currents meet, and for us like a mirror .The colder current ,Benguela ,comes from the Atlantic ,and combines into the Agulhas current, from the Indian Ocean, so well defined, that the vast fields of Kelp beds, that spread around, come to a stop at Cape Agulhas ,at the Cape of Good Hope, the most southerly point of the African Continent, almost like a line drawn in the sea .A lighthouse ,that we passed in the evening.
    We waited outside Cape Town, on this perfect morning ,as the sun rose, there was a photography session with a helicopter ,for our Cruise Line, plenty of time for us to take in the spectacle of Table Mountain ,and the city below ,as spectacular as you may imagine.
    Into the harbour ,filled with birds and seals, the wildlife in these more temperate climes ,so obviously prolific. Our view of the city and Mountains beyond.. Perfect..
    Our tour was of the city and surrounds, and didn’t disappoint on such a glorious day. Cape Town ,the inner city, doesn’t look like the rest of Africa ,at all, it is modern, busy ,prosperous looking, some older traditional colonial places, do remain. We visited The Company’s Gardens, this is where the East India Company grew supplies for the ships sailing to India for the spices. So fruit and vegetables filled a large area, beautiful trees, like Lemon Wood ,one that is now endangered, shady avenues , filled with flowers and plants of all kinds, a lot that we grow. Squirrels, lots ,very friendly ,and a large rat type creature ,moseying around…Egyptian Geese, with their pink feet, clever containment of tiny ducklings, in a high walled pond ,with no escape, until grown, very good Mothering…! Rose gardens established in the early 1900’s. Huge statue of Cecil Rhodes, viewed with mixed feelings ,he did much for Africa ,but perhaps not for the right people, in his short life of 49 years..
    Unfortunately 2 of our number became lost ,so that required much searching ,eventually discovered at the beginning of our lengthy walk..This cruise intake ,in Durban, has been of many very elderly ,who in Africa, are a challenge, some have little or no idea, of the type of country they are in.!
    The setting for this city is superb , under Table Mountain, many want to rise to the very top ,on a precarious cable way, however hundreds of cars , a line that had over 2 hours wait, even booked ships excursions ,gave up[,it had been closed the previous 2 days because of strong winds..] me ..never in a million years…! Worse than Masada ever was.!
    Travelled through the very pretty houses, painted all the bright colours, and cobbled streets of the Malay Quarter, over Signal Hill, to the Beach suburbs beyond, the Rivera of Cape Town, very expensive , white sandy beaches, with huge flat rocks around. The water temperature is only around 15o, so it’s not for the faint hearted… even on this very hot, still day, hardly anyone venturing in..Felt we had a good look at the city, with much information provided..
    Not seeing the sad side of Africa here at all, and in the Shopping centre we visited for a quick lunch, many young Africans working.
    We walked the short distance back to the ship ,later, incorporating the beautiful Silo Hotel, waterfront, which featured in the Hotel Programme on our TV recently. Sixth Floor for drinks, superb, like being in a dream…The reconstruction, from several disused Grain Silos, is outstanding ,and very beautiful ,their staff are all African or from neighbouring countries. The first 3 floors are a gallery, which was closing ,so we couldn’t see that, but such a thrill see it and actually be in it..
    This evening we were privileged to have on board The Western African Choir, a large group from the University, studying music, who won ,last year, the National Competition, and hopefully will travel to the World Competitions. They came early, to practice and then to dinner in our World Café, to see their delighted faces , as they chose from such a selection, was very special. Their performance was wonderful, also the small band , with African designed instruments, was improvisation at its best. Our entertainment continues to be outstanding, so many talented people in this world..
    Our cabin attendant mastered the journey to the top of Table Mountain, and is still smiling, we were delighted for him, and all his mates so envious...!
    Cape Town, Day Two will follow.