  • Dag 9

    Mochdre - Day 9

    29. april 2017, Wales ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    After a bit of a sleep in we took Georgia up to the Welsh Mountain Zoo, where I used to work. It pretty much hasn't changed in 20 years, even my old mate Jake the Gibbon is still there! We strolled about for an hour and half then took the road out to Snowdonia, stopping off at the Welsh Food Centre for lunch. We got back in time for a quick snooze before heading down to the club to watch the end of the game there, and catch up with a few of my old team mates! It's a great reunion, with a couple of the guys making a special trip in to catch up. Needless to say I probably had one Guinness too many and Jane was getting treated to double shots so we were kindly driven home. Georgia had a fun night playing pool with Gogsie's 15 YO son! Bit of a holiday spark there I think, with an exchange of Instagram addresses!!Læs mere