  • Giorno 3

    CN Tower and Shopping

    26 luglio 2018, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    So Tash and I were up and out aboyt 815 to walk across to the CN Tower to do our Edgwalk at 9am. Ed andf Sam went down for breakfast at the same time.

    We arrived at the Tower abnout 840 amd filled in the disclaimers. Tash did one as we were told then were told by someone else she didn't need to and I just addered her name to mine. We went to the loo as were told next one was an houre and half away. Then taken through into the prep room where we had to do a breathaklyser, all passed, and remove all loose items from pockets etc - even my world cup wristband had to come off. Forgot to take off my St Christopoher but the ,etal detetctor check founf it. Tash had to remove earings, which was ok, getting them back on is the problem. Then got into red overalls and had locker key hooked on round my neck and sunglasses hooked on a lanyard too.

    HArnesses, wrists and shoes were checked by 4 or 5 fifferent people, finally by Reed out guide. Six in our group the mac=ximum. Three folks from San Francisco, Eugene from New Jersye and Tash and me. San Franscison chap had to chnage his shoes as Reed was not happy with their tightness!

    We then had a couple of hroup pictires including a confideny pose for after the event, interetsingly taken beforehand! Then walked though to the elevator, with a guard of honour of cheering employees. Not sure that made us feel better, made iot seem quite a big deal!

    Up to the top at22km/h, the lift had a couple of glass floor panels, but they could be avoided if you wanted. At the top was about 116 storeys high, around 1500 feet, or 399 meteres. Quite high.

    We went into quite a small control room at the top where our harnesses would be attached to the cables. These were explained to us, one at the front which was a fixed cable that we could hold onto, pull on etc if we wanted and one at the bag that was more like a seatbe;t that would kick in if we fell etc.

    Reed assessed the order, I went first then Tash, then Eugene then the 3 others. Sliding doors wrere opened and Reed went out first to do an intro on his helmet camera then he waved me out. The walkway was about 5 or 6 feet wide I thinkand I walked round Reed giving him a high 6 and waited by the first camera that beamed libe footage to the monitors in the viewing gallery below. Throughout we were encouraged to wave and dance tec for these cameras!

    I waited while everyone came out, legs did feel a little bit wopbbly, The walkway was a metal mesh so see through but below most of it was the top of the revolving restaurant rather than ground level. Reed gave us some facys about the view then introduced the first activity. Toes over Toronto!. We had to walk forward to the edge and put our toes over the edge then spread arms wide and shout Hello Toronot or similar. The far end of the line went first and everyone did it ok. The Californians were fairly confient, they were rock climbers, Euegen loess so like me/, Tassh was fine. I approached fairly tentatively and got both feet over the edge. Reed said stand up a bit straighter, think I must have been leaning forward a bit too much and I let go of the rope flung arms wide and shouted hello Toronto. Hled the pose for a few seconds then grabbed back on and came back in. Round of applause from everyone as was the custom for all and legs felt a bit wobbly but first task fone. Looking back this was the hardest as the other tasks you felt support still from the rope, but not on this one and also it was the first thing so you will still getting used to the height.

    We moved round another quarter of the circle and got some more facts about this view, then the second activity - leaning backwards. The technique was to sit down in the harness then walk backwards until feet were on the edge, then lock the knees, shoulders back and arms of the rope flung wide. Same order as last time, so I was last. Tash did fine again and I found this easier than the lastb one. Stillscary but having the rope pulling on you gave me confidence more than just standing up. I was bit worried the harness was going to slip up from my bottom, but it never did. Coming back in was a grab of the rope and a swing forward and that was done. Applause for all again and all videoed. We moved another 90 degrees.

    More facts then activity three - we knew what was coming the lean foprwards. Techniique was to push the rope out in front of you, keep hold og it them lean your shoulder in to it until weight was suported with tope wedged in you neck/shoulder, then let go and arms wide. A surpise reverse order this time so i was first. Walked to feet about 2 or 3 inches from the edge, then pushed rope forward and leaned in. It was surprising further in fron than you wnated it ti be, but goit there and it felt secure so pulled hands away, a little hard as they were stick behind the rope. Did it and arms wide, then threw in a superman armso out pose for the vamers then back hold of the rope and swing back in. Seemed easier than the toes one, though the backward was easiest. The others all completed and we moved on again.

    The last side was above the Rogers Centre and was where we had seen people yesterday hanging over. It is where the phtotos are taken by Reed. We all lined up in the backward lean and then did some full group shots, then stayed out for individual ones then in our family groups so me and Tash. The latter involved some sidewys crabbing across to be next to each other which didn't seem an odd thing at all by now and everyone confidently dangled out, though part of my confidence was knowing this was the last thing before we were back.

    Swung back in and walked back intpo the little room, high fiving Reed on the way in again. We were dereoped and back down in the lift to get harness etc off then stuff out of lockers. Applause again as we exited the lift at the bottom.

    We got two free ohotos and the video plus a certificate with our number on showing how many have done it before us/ We bought the USB with all the other pics on too.

    All done before 1030. Hadn;t been windy up there and was warm ans sunny (contrast the storms later in the day). Sam and Ed messaged to say they qwere t the Harbour Centre coffee place we had been to the previopus day so we met them there. It did very good coffee. Ed then wanted to go the famous Beasvertails shop a little way back towards the hotel so we went and had the sickly fried churros like beavertail. Tasty but n ot healthy! Then we went back to get on the tour bus to take us to St James Market, where the guide yesterday had said the Peameal bacon sandwicjes were amawzing from Carousel bakery. We had siome for lunch, was OK, but bacon not crispy enough for my tastes.

    Walked 10 minutes oir so the distillery district. The old distilery buildings been conmverted into a carless area of boutique Canmadian shopos. Got few clothes and went for another drink then baqck onto the tour bus towards the Eaton Centre Shopping Mall at the Times Square of Toronto, with ,ots of billboards and advertising. Tash in her element, Bath and Beyond, Sephore, Victorias Secret and Pink all visisted. Ed and I went to the Disney shop and got some Bige HEro 6 figures (he had watched it on the plane out) and some hand made choclalates on a 12 for 12 deal. Also an ice cream which was diped in white and dark choclate and buts in front of us. Had a paper frill tocatch buts but was still very messy to eat, last bits fell of our stciks and went everywhere.

    Finally they had finished shopping and we got back on the tour vbus to take us the long way home. Always interesting to hear a different operson dpoing toe commentary. Clouds started to thicken as were up at the north part opf the tour near Castle Lomo and the Irish guide made some jokes about weather like home and outruning the storm. Alas as we got near the arts building, held up by struts designed as pencils the heavens opened. No room downstairs so we got off and shjelktered under the pencil building and called an Uber. It stopped by the time he cvame, was a very friendly driver.

    Evening we were booked into the 360 restaurant in CN Tower. Walked there and passed through secuirty smoothly. Had to wait few minute for restauirmat lift and to get seated at table. Restaurant rotates once every 72 minutes. We had window table and ggo views all round. Food was nice and after meal we headed one floor down to viewing gallery, which had a part glass floor looking down to the glass floor one level down that looked all the way to groiund. We went down to that level and all but Sam stood on the glass, Could see the ahrks mural on the aquariuym roof which we had seen from walk that morning too. This level has outside vieifng gal;lery, Ed and I went out but was quite windy and cold so not for long. Then headed back down and walked to hotel tired but good day.
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