  • Dzień 36

    The Jack: Day 2

    20 grudnia 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    So 6am the morning of day 2 and I'm hard at work serving champagne (it is Australia after all) on the 10th hole. On the same hole is a $15,000 massage bed that's yours if you can get a hole in one. So what do you get when you mix celebrities, champagne and a bed? A lot of unrepeatable jokes and pictures... but I've put the clean ones on here. Its a fancy dress golf day so I was visited in the next 8 hours by Donald Trump (Frankie Barratt), The Mad Hatter (James Tobin), Side-Show Bob (Richard Champion), Superman, Batman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, a few Santas and a few questionable looking women. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know everyone and get over the star struck feeling when I met a few of the tv stars, home & away actors, comedians and big time sports people.
    That evening was a formal cabaret dinner including speeches from my Uncle Jack, some charities supported by the event and of course the charity auction. The stand out speech came from ex Prime Minister Bob Hawke who is about 1,000 years old but still managed to play a whole day of golf and get up on stage and get the whole room singing Walzing Matilda.
    There was also a visit from some of the Olympic Gold Winning Rugby 7's Girls (complete with Rio Gold Medals) and a shirt signed by the whole team for auction. Music from The Voice runner up Joe Moore rounded up the formal part of the evening before everyone moved onto the bar and got so blindingly drunk I was walking past some of them coming home on my way out to the course the next morning.
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