  • Hari 31

    Day 30 - San Francisco Day 2

    14 Jun 2017, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    First up caught a tram to Lombard Street known as the "crookedest street in the world". We walked to the top a long steep climb. Obviously a great tourist attraction as it had very beautiful garden beds everywhere. The houses looked like lovely terrace homes but not sure I would want to live in on such a touristy street. Beautiful though.

    Continued walking down to the Marine and walked along the shoreline till we hit Fisherman's Wharf. It was a lovely day so Stephen and I caught a ferry to Sausalito. It was a lovely town set on a hill reminded us of the Amalfi Coast/Capri. Great liitle town with heaps of touristy shops, cafes, ice cream shops and restaurants. Walked around the town, lunch at the bakery (no pies or sausage rolls 🙁), ice creams and then the ferry home. Lots and lots of bikes on the ferry as many people ride over the Golden Gate Bridge and catch the ferry back.

    From the ferry you have great views of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. On arriving back at Pier 39 we went to look at the sea lions. One very large sea lion gave us a private performance on the wharf. The bark sound Sea Lions make is awful.

    Back for drinks at the hotel then dinner our last dinner in USA at Fisherman's Wharf.
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