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  • Jour 1

    Are you all right?

    8 janvier 2018, Angleterre ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    The grey cloud filled sky parted and  London welcomed us with about as much sun as it could muster up in the middle of January. The brisk winter air was just what we needed after being stuffed in an aluminum tube for an almost unbearable amount of time.  Had my brain been functioning properly I would have realized that the greeting I received when checking into the hotel "Are you alright?" was merely the British equivalent of "How is everything?" Instead I just assumed that my outside looked like my insides felt. Despite my internal gears spinning no expression left my face or mouth. Luckily without pause  the hotel concierge continued on, telling us about the hotel amenities. In an attempt to battle our modern time travel scenario, we decided a walk through Hyde Park was in our best interest. The fresh air was an appropriate remedy but eventually jet lag got the best of us and we retreated back to our hotel. Welcome to London, are we alright?En savoir plus

  • Starting over

    7 janvier 2018, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    And just like the collapse of all great empires and your amazing My Space profile picture the travel pod website is gone. Like so many other digital memories that were built to last forever these 0s and 1s have now become just 0s. Leaving us with the feeling that maybe we should have printed something out. Technology lulled us into a false sense of security with its sweet lullaby of convenience, and now we're left staring at a blank screen without even a dusty picture filled shoes box to place in the attic.
    Without any pieces to pick up we've decided to learn from our mistakes. We will now travel with a charcoal pencil set and paper and sketch every moment like a court reporter, possibly even higher a stenographer to shadow us to make sure our conversations are documented. And should the pencil fail us we have taken up clay sculpting to give our memories a third dimension . We ve been left with no choice but to start over from the beginning and when this website inevitably goes belly up we will look technology square in the face and laughing as we clutch our satchel bag filled to the brim with drawings clay figurines and meticulous written conversations.
    En savoir plus


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