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    Battlefield of Culloden!

    30. Mai 2019 in Schottland ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    So, we started this morning around 8 am, a little earlier than normal - that’s sad, I know - as we had to check out at 10 am. Denise and I walked down into Inverness to find some coffee for Denise and to get some breakfast as we didn’t include any morning items in our grocery run the night before. Sometimes I think we have this traveling thing down, and then reality hits me smack in the face... I’ve got a long way to go! Really, when I step back and look at it, I’d be in a heap of trouble without Denise. Sure, I can get around England and Scotland on the wrong side of the road, I can figure out logistics of getting from point A to point B, and I can make sure we don’t get lost in any of the towns, but when it comes to interacting with people to find our way, check in, buy ANYTHING, my little lady is my rock!!!! Opposites attract is how the saying goes, but I love that she pairs up with me so well, yet shores up all my shortcomings!!!

    After grabbing our coffee’s and breakfasts for the littler ladies, we headed off to Culloden Battlefield - another one of KK’s sites she was hoping to visit. I don’t remember a lot from the last time we were here in 1995, other than it was a relatively big field or bog, that there were flags marking the lines of the troops (at least I think I remember that) and there was some sort of small visitors center. Well, things have changed. The visitor center was huge and the displays and audio track they had was awesome. I probably get a little to into these things, but I hate to miss out on anything. It was really fascinating to trace the timeline leading up to the battle and how everyone was so interconnected. If we’ve learned one thing on this trip - the royalty in Europe makes our redneck family marriages seem pretty tame! Everyone was related to everyone! Crazy! The battlefield was still very neat and Denise and KK got to see the Clan Fraser memorial - I pretty sure they held a moment of silence for Jamie but I’m not 100% on that (if you are wondering about this reference, take a look at the Outlander series of books and TV shows!). After a stroll around the battlefield in the Scottish sunshine (yes that would be mist to us ordinary folks, but I’m convinced it’s just rays of sunshine to the Scots!), it was time to head out to our next location, a little castle Denise found, called Cawdor Castle. Another new check mark for all of us!