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  • Day 36

    Horizontal Falls

    August 6, 2023, Indian Ocean ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    After arriving in Broome and visiting the Courthouse Markets we set up our trailer at Broome Caravan Park and got an early night as we had a 5am start the next day for a seaplane flight to the Horizontal Falls.

    After about an hour on the plane, taking in some amazing scenery as we flew across the Dampier Peninsula, King Sound and the Kimberley, we landed at Talbot Bay, disembarked at the floating hotel and were ushered straight on to the jet boat to go and explore the Horiozontal Falls.

    The boat went up and down the wide gap several times and gave us a close look at the narrow gap, the drop in levels from one side of each gap to the other and resulting surge of water was incredible, all powered by the 10m tides of the Kimberley.

    After returning to the floating hotel we were treated with a cooked breakfast, but Lewys was feeling a bit green and only managed a couple of mini croissants. Next up was a close encounter with some lemon sharks and a bull shark and then a jet boat tour of the creeks of Talbot Bay before we got back on to our sea plane and flew back to Broome via Cape Levique and the coastline of Dampier Peninsula.
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