  • Dia 6

    9. CR - Pavones

    28 de agosto de 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    We thought Dominical was a one-horse town with its raison d’etre being surfing, until we came to the tiny 600 resident community of Pavones. It consists of 2 grocery stores (about twice the size of a 7-11 mini-mart), with several hostels/family run hotels (usually with 1-4 rooms), a few eateries, (mostly like your typical outdoor beach-bar), and the ever-important surf shop. The guide books announce clearly that there are no banks or gas stations here, so you need to stock up before you arrive. (Credit cards are rarely accepted).

    This area is famed for having the second largest point-breaking surf in the world. Craig has taught me – beach break is bad – that’s when the wave pretty much breaks all at once, and point break is good – when the wave starts breaking at one end and the break rolls towards the other end. Remember the Hawaii 5-0 TV show opening?

    Surfing today – then on to Panama.
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