  • Giorno 7

    11. Border Crossing - leaving CR

    29 agosto 2019, Panama ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    Crossing the border is a 2 part process. You have to officially “check-out” of one country, then “check-in” to the next.

    DISCLOSURE – this is Craig’s post from his travel blog. I stayed in the car, guarding it, (which is code for playing games on my phone) during most of this activity.

    Paso Canoas or "How we outsmarted the border mafia"!

    Leaving Pavones at about 6:45 A.M., we arrived at the Costa Rica border at Paso Canoas at about 8:15 A.M. Exiting a country is the easiest part, generally speaking, of any border crossing. This is not an overly busy border, so I anticipated an easy Costa Rica exit. As has been our experience, signage is always a problem. And this border is no exception. Arriving at the border, we nearly crossed directly into Panama before realizing that there were no Costa Rican Immigration and Customs offices in the immediate area. Up the road a ways, I saw a building with some border signage. Luckily, we arrived just as the immigration offices were opening. I parked the car, and quickly grabbed a place in line. After about 10 minutes, I handed my passport to the immigration officer. He said that I needed to go across the street to pay the exit tax and bring him the receipt so that he could stamp me out of Costa Rica. Since I was in the vicinity of the Aduana (customs) office, I thought why not cancel my T.I.P. (Temporary Import Permit for my car). After waiting in line for about 10 minutes, the customs agent looked over my paperwork and said that I needed the receipt showing that the exit tax had been paid. So, I dashed across the street, paid the tax, and got my receipt. Back in line at the customs office...the agent sees that I have my exit tax payment receipt, but he points out that my passport does not have the exit stamp. Back to the immigration line, which by now has grown quite large. 15 minutes goes by, and I have my exit stamp. Back again to the customs office...another 10 minute wait. Finally, the customs agent closes out my T.I.P. I can now officially exit Costa Rica! Karen has been guarding the car, and now it is her turn for immigration. Maybe it takes her 15 minutes at most. Now, we are ready for the Panama border!
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