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  • Day 15

    Brüggen Glacier - Auditions for Frozen.

    March 16, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌫 6 °C

    Still wiggling our way through the Chilean fjords. The scenery is unrelenting. Hour after hour of snow capped peaks, waterfalls, forest etc.

    Highlight of the morning was a visit to the Bruggen glacier. This is bigger than the two we saw before and where they cascaded down the side of the mountain range the Bruggen blocks the fjord and the ship can be driven right up to it. Doesn't look much from the deck of a large ship but it towers above the surrounding forest. Caught hints of the gorgeous blue of the ice but the sun refused to do its bit and show the ice off at its best.

    This is a 'live' glacier coming down from the Patagonian Ice Cap and it cracks and groans and bits fall off every time you fiddle in your pockets or point the camera somewhere else.

    Then we were off down more fjords to check out more waterfalls and snow capped peaks plus seeing how narrow a space you can fit a 82,000 tonne cruise ship through. I was hoping we could get through past Port Eden but nope, too shallow up that way.

    Currently heading through the maze to the Pacific Ocean were it is reported windy AF and rough. Bleah! Then back into more channels to Puerto Montt the day after tomorrow.

    I will be sad to leave Patagonia. It is eye wateringly beautiful.

    Oh PS. It's very wet here. In this area there are on average 18 days a year it does not rain.
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