  • Dag 4

    And work begins

    5. november 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Porridge, ready for a hard days work! We then ventured to the school a few 100m away on Nepali Flat = up and down. Through a rural village, chickens, goats, cows in barns and a small veg plot! On arriving at the school we were great by stares and giggles and wonderment. Some of these children had never seen westerners! And not ones my hight or a red headed bearded Celt like Adam ( guy on trip) we were officially welcomed by the school govner and local MP, and we each had a string of marigolds we then set to work, demolishing 2 classrooms and a stage area, ready for our 6 classrooms. Whatever was demolished needed to be kept as useful as possible, so no sledgehammers here!! I set to work with Andy on the Maths room, 4 guys on the roofs the others shovelling the stage away, rocks dirt and more rocks. We worked as a in team and onto about 4:30 - back to the camp dinner at 6 and most people were in bed at 8:30. A full day, but a good dayLes mer