Donna DuffyEdinburgh in octoberShow tripAdd to bucket listRemove from bucket listShareOct 29, 2017, 2:56 PM ☀️ 9 °C Altitude: 8 m ScotlandRickett Point55.97193, -2.9443155°58’19” N 2°56’40” WDay 1Royal yacht britannia October 29, 2017 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C Donna Duffy What a great way to spend a sunday morning and rounded off with tea & scones in tearoom x10/29/17ReplyTraveler Lovely Sunday xxx10/29/17Reply1 like
Donna Duffy What a great way to spend a sunday morning and rounded off with tea & scones in tearoom x
Traveler Lovely Sunday xxx