  • Dag 2


    6 maart 2019, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    So our flight was a little delayed taking off from Joburg and then taxi'ed like a sloth on valium!! First selfie man got the time wrong and I thought I had missed my connecting flight all together. Then I worked out o was still in time but sat on the end of seat while I watched the minutes tock by. Finally time to get off, sweet talked myself to the front and Sprint into the terminal. I'm met by an airhostes showing me where to him and my heart is overjoyed when I get to the boarding gate while it's still open. And then it all starts, because they could see we were delayed they had already changed our tickets to the next flight (at this point I think the best flight is this afternoon) only once I get to the hotel and then man says he'll give me a call down for my flight tomorrow do I realise the next available flight takes off 32hrs after I was suppose to leave.
    After trying desperately to change to a sooner flight and many strong words pushed through gritted teeth I decide enough is enough I'm going to make the most of it and explore Dubai. Cue sliver lining moment as I remember new orthos man is from Dubai and I proceed to get advice from him about what to do. After lunch with my new military friend I head off for a day in Dubai.
    I was not prepared for this day! Dubai is crazy I feel like I am in a movie everything and everyone is on fucking FLEEK!! Everything is so extra, just big and glitz and glam and oozing money. After an hour on the metro rail I finally get to the beach just in time for the wind and clouds to appear. So I set off for the malls. While paroozing the aisles of the most enormous general store I have ever seen I realised I can't spend at all here as each time I swipe I am charged, and so naturally my thirst and hunger kicks in. Emirates mall with its built in snow area was just crazy but I must say I preferred Dubai mall seeing the waterfall and water fountain show and the Burj Khalifa light with picture perfect twinkle lights and with the gentle evening sky as a background was just amazing!
    Finally back to the metro, which is now crammed full, I need food and water and sleep!!!
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