  • День 30

    Easy Like Sunday Morning

    22 июля 2018 г., Чехия ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    A leisurely morning after last night's distinctive and sterling first concert. Feedback from the first venue has been magnificent, with many meritorious reflections on the accomplished, estimable and distinguished performances from CYO and the exemplary, transcendent and choicest performances from CYCh. All in all a champion and striking evening of first-rate and priceless music making...

    ...I may have downloaded a thesaurus...?!

    Arrival back at the hotel was quite late last night and so the decision was made to allow the group to choose whether to walk into Olomouc this morning or to stay in the hotel and chill out/catch up on sleep!

    In the end 70 hardy souls joined Mrs M, Ms K, Miss A, Miss M, Mr D, Mr H, Mr B, Mr S and Mr k (sounds like characters in a Tarantino movie?!) and walked into town.

    Olomouc really is lovely; there is a beautiful main square with some nice cafes, and some lovely buildings too. The supermarkets and shopping centre were open so we all stocked up on lunch things and spent a nice relaxing couple of hours before heading back to the hotel.

    Perhaps the most striking feature in Olomouc is the astronomical clock in the main square, ranked alongside Strasbourg-type clocks and dating from 1420. It has a three-storey design and depicts the medieval vision of the world; the clock only chimes at 12.00 and plays regional Hana folk songs. And it looks lovely too!

    We are now heading to Luhacovice for our second concert, at the KD Elektra Hall which will be our "tour polo shirt concert". The weather seems to have clouded over somewhat, although temperatures are still high.

    Joking aside from paragraph 1, the feedback from yesterday has been brilliant; CYO & CYCh made a real impact with a fab concert and we're sure tonight will be every bit as memorable!

    Next stop Luhacovice!
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