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  • Day 2

    May 19

    May 19 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After a long, smooth flight, we arrived safely at Gatwick to a glorious, sunny day in London, England. We joined the throngs of confused tourists to navigate our way to the train station. After a few attempts, we triumphantly made it through the turnstile to Gate 4. We enjoyed a crammed ride to downtown London. A last minute decision on our part had us walking to our hotel rather than catching a bus. It turned out to be a great decision as we stumbled across the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. Incredible! We had a lovely walk through Hyde Park with a stop at a cafe. We were both exhausted and struggling to lift our feet for the final part of our long, gruelling walk. When we arrived at our hotel, we were both concerned when we realized the walk was only about 3 km. We finished our first day with a delicious dinner at a pub across from Hyde Park, sitting outside on the upstairs patio.Read more