  • Dag 43

    Transilvanian gravel roads

    11. juli 2020, Rumænien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We left the "wild campspot" early to escape the masses. Our ride today was exhausting, but really beautiful. It was a mix of asphalt and gravel on very remote roads. We only passed some tiny villages and were happy to find a store that sells the nonalcoholic Radler that we drink most of the days to fill up on calories in the heat.
    We were going to stay at a little campground tonight, but they had a private event this weekend and were therefore closed to the public. Instead, we got a room in a nearby guesthouse, but are already missing the outdoors.
    Overall, we really enjoy biking in Romania. The landscape is great, we find a good mix of adventurous trails and remote paved roads and people are amazingly friendly. Many start chatting to us on the road and the majority of them speaks at least a little English, some even German. Even the shepherds talk to us, although this is mainly sign languages due to our still missing Romanian language skills.
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