  • Dag 97


    3 september 2020, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Yesterday, Herbert still didn't feel 100% and for some reason, I was knocked out, so we spent another day at Firat's. We were very happy that he didn't mind at all - he was only sad we couldn't eat all of the yummy food he cooked but were happy with dry potato.
    Today, we were good enough to continue riding. The road led along the coast at the beginning before turning inland. It was all nice quiet roads with almost no traffic.
    We arrived at the ancient site of Troy, UNESCO World Heritage. Of course, we climbed up the famous horse before visiting the site where you could still see remnants of those 9 cities built on top of each other. The good thing about travelling in Corona times is that you can visit the tourist places almost by yourselve. Except for some 10 other visitors, we had the whole site to ourselves.
    We continued cycling on secondary roads until we reached the coast again. When we saw a beachfront campground, we decided to call it a day and rest in the afternoon. So we went swimming, relaxed at the beach, visited the nearby ruins of Alexandria Troas and enjoyed our dinner with a view.
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