  • Dag 27

    Day 27 - 9,702 Miles, Honolulu

    31. januar 2020, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    Day 27 - 9,702 Miles

    After a glorious sunrise over the city we headed off the ship towards Diamond Head and a submarine ride. I envisioned Captain Nemo at the helm of our submarine but instead we had Captain “damn she looks too young to pilot this thing”. I loved the experience and saw abundant sea life at 105 ft below the surface...sea turtles, rays, countless colorful fish, and coral.

    After our submarine adventure we set out on foot to discover Chinatown. Fortunately we called for an Uber shortly after our discovery.

    I’m typing now as we are leaving port tonight and it feels good. The city is quickly fading away and being replaced with the now familiar and comforting sounds of the ocean, the rocking of the ship, the star filled night sky, and the anticipation of what lies ahead.

    Good night.
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