  • Tag 255

    Day 256: Kroměříž Castle

    28. Oktober 2017 in Tschechien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Up and out early again for another World Heritage site. Overcast skies but thankfully only intermittent rain as we drove about an hour to the south-east, to the town of Kroměříž (Krom-ye-chich).

    The castle here was once quite important to the local nobility. Unfortunately, guided tours of the actual building had finished for the season (many places here close down over winter) but the tower was open so we had a look around there. Unfortunately I've completely forgotten why it's world heritage listed, I guess I'll find out when I edit together the video in a few weeks!

    Attached to the castle was an enormous "informal" garden designed in English style which essentially means it's supposed to look as un-landscaped as possible. Wandering paths, artificial lakes, small groups of trees and so on. Quite nice, though better weather would've improved the situation!

    Across town there was also a formal garden that's considered part of the castle complex, though it's not directly attached. This is more like the gardens at Versailles: carefully manicured lawns and shrubs, lots of straight lines and angles, baroque fountains and sculptures of Roman & Greek figures. They're nice, though I think I prefer the informal style - more like a garden than a set from Pride & Prejudice.

    Grabbed some lunch at a small restaurant in town, then drove back to Olomouc for the afternoon. Went out to another local brewery/restaurant in the evening that our host had recommended. More great food, tasty beer and very cheap prices!