  • Dag 33

    Friday Fun and Farewells

    6 oktober 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Later start, did some laundry in the morning (exciting times). Met Em and TK at the Science Museum. Walked to Hyde Park and had picnic lunch. Then saw the Serpentine Pavilion and gallery. The pavilion changes each year and is designed by famous architects (TK explained more about each). Quite cool!

    The gallery had an exhibition by some Wade guy and it was about the level of my art. Sounded really cool but went over our heads. Had some laughs though - though perhaps uncontrollable fits of laughter at a fancy art museum not quite appropriate.

    Also saw the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain which was nice. Saw squirrels and birds and stuff. More laughs.

    Round 2 of Science Museum - wanted to try the milkshake bar but it was closed. We wanted to try one of the flight simulators (including a 360° flipping one) but lines were big and then when we came back, they were sold out. Flight exhibition interesting but no mention of Richard Pearse sadly. Interesting to note that the development of flight was so slow starting due to humankind's obsession with a 'flapping technique' for so long.

    Wrapped up there, had dinner at a "natural" fast food place (Leon) - nice enough. Then cookies from Ben's cookies. Radi dropped one and it was tragic and hilarious. We ate the rest thankfully.

    Got TK's luggage (him and Em were nice enough to take some stuff home for us ☺). Said goodbye (😢) and home early (for a change) to get organised packing.
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