Clearing the Crap!

februari - maart 2024
Een 15-daags avontuur van Hillis & Heather Meer informatie
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  • Dag 14

    The Crap has been officialy Cleared!

    2 maart, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    We did it! Hooray!!! We emptied and consolidated the 5 metroself storage units into just one! Task complete ✅.

    We began our final day of clearing with a home visit, as mum had filled the house with stuff to go through. She was diligent with this material and was working outside of work hours to complete her sorting.

    We made our final drop off at the repeat boutique/world relief donation centre who have truly been lifesavers this entire trip. Volunteers who have been going through and sorting everything we donate to make sure it goes to the right place and the right people. Thank you Repeat Boutique!

    We then brought the things we wanted to keep to the storage units and on the last day mum forgot the keys!!! So we got postponed a bit because mum had to drive back to the house to go get them; I did a yoga and got warmed up while I waited.

    We were able to fit almost everything from 2011 (which was the unit we originally thought we would keep) into 2033 in this first hour and then went out for lunch to our favourite local mexican slow cooked meat spot called 'La Birria Loca' (google translate tells us this means 'the crazy beer', but they don't serve beer, so if anyone can translate it better, please do!).

    After lunch we began our game of Tetris: we had to basically fit everything from every unit in to 2033. We took it slow and smart and after an hour and a half we had god damn done the thing.

    The first image is 2033 completed.
    The rest is our victory lap through the beautifully empty 2011, 1054, 1064 and 1038. So with this post, I declare our project a massive success! We were able to complete double what we expected: we brought her units down from 8, to only 2! As of yesterday she is now saving somewhere close to a full $1000 a month on storage units, and no longer has to complete the gargantuan task of going through her own shit 🙃.

    We arrived back at Evanston today. Mum will be here another week before she flies back to Greece, and I'm flying back to Toronto on Monday. Thank you all for following our progress and sending your support through great comments and lovely personal messages. We really appreciated everyone who reached out to us and allowed us to vent to them. We love you all very much!

    And with that, we have cleared the crap, and the penguins have been found.

    Keep your eyes peeled for my Canadian adventure in May, coming to a findpenguins app near you!

    H & H
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